Hello, you.
If you watched my February Oracle reading on my Instagram, you may remember me mentioning how important it is to clear, ground and shield your energy, so that’s what we’re going to discuss today.
I actually found this super quick and easy technique on TikTok (they be knowin’ y’all, for real), and wanted to share it with you. It was presented as a technique to do before you do any spiritual work, but quite honestly, I feel like we can all benefit from making this a daily ritual, because we’re all being inundated with various vibrations and frequencies at an alarming rate. Not to mention so many of the readings lately have mentioned your sensitivity heightening and opening.
So, all that to say, whether you consider yourself a spiritual healer or not, this can still be good for you.
Again, this is super quick and simple. You can jazz it up with your own additions as you see fit, but this alone can work, too.
Step 1: Clear
You can do this by commanding, “Any thoughts, feelings, emotions and energy that do not belong to me must leave my space now.”
Envision a waterfall of light washing through you and your aura, and clearing your space away from anything that is not yours.
Step 2: Ground
Place your hand on top of your head (or crown chakra) and say, “My energy is grounded into my body and the Earth,” and hold your hand there for about 30 seconds.
Step 3: Shield
Command, “My energy i smy own. Nothing can enter my energetic space without my permission.”
Visualize your aura or energy field hardening around you and keeping you safe from anything that could try to penetrate your space.
And boom, there you go! I’ve definitely noticed a difference with my energy after doing this daily, so try it out if you feel called and let me know how it goes.
Girl, tell me why I’ve been tryna replay that day so I can remember what you said with the grounding technique! I was damn close had like one word in the wrong place 🙌🏽🙌🏽 Thanks bru