This week marks the end of another year—and what a year it has been.
I don’t normally do too many personal posts on here, but I wanted to take this opportunity to review 2024 in a way that actually celebrates the wins that are often overlooked.
No, I didn’t fall deeply in love with a man and get married or start a family. I didn’t experience financial success or career breakthroughs. I couldn’t even get a response to the numerous job applications I’d submitted (including one for an astrology writer!) in order to have some sort of stability in my life, but I always got the ping of knowing.
They’re not going to let me escape my destiny.
As I’m writing this, I’m still single as a Pringle with no idea what this next chapter holds for me. The slate is completely wiped clean, meaning there’s endless possibilities awaiting me—and I’m excited about that.
Who will I meet this next year? Where will I be living? What will I spend most of my time doing? What will I pour my creative energy into?
As I simmer on the thoughts of what could be, I can’t help but reflect on what has transpired during this collective karmic year.
While I had difficult moments, heartbreak, obstacles and challenges, I’d be lying if I didn’t also say that this was one of the best years I’ve experienced in a long time, and not because of some gigantic life milestone, but because of who I became through it all, and most importantly, because of the magick.
I saw a TikTok video recently that talked about self-discipline and how it’s correlated to your modesty and ability to celebrate little wins. Chances are if you find it difficult to stay disciplined, then you may also have a problem recognizing your “small” wins along the way.
She offered an exercise where you go through month by month and highlight your wins, and then share them, so I’m going to do that now with you. Please feel free to pay it forward and do this exercise yourself, too!
So let’s time travel, shall we?
January: I traveled to Sacramento, Calif., to lead a spiritual bachelorette retreat day for a member of the Return to Self community with one of my best friends. I’d never done something like that before, but this opportunity showed me how I can expand and flex my muscles in unconventional ways. Not only that, but I got to spend a couple days in a different city, which is always fun (even if I did also experience lost souls traveling through our hotel room in the middle of the night…that’s another story).
February: I attended Variety’s first-ever Faith in Media breakfast, where I was shown how aligned my trajectory is with the direction of entertainment. I was being shown statistics, facts and data on media consumption and how it aligned with the momentum that spiritual conversations are receiving. The people want more of this, and God knows I’m ready to help facilitate. This was also when I felt an energy of death. I went through another cycle, and something was being shed off of me. It wasn’t the prettiest or easiest experience, but I knew it was setting me up for what’s to come.
March: I ventured off to Thailand where I would host my second international retreat, and also experience my first solo travel journey for two additional weeks in a country I didn’t know. This was a huge fear that I faced, and I’m still so proud of myself. I returned with newfound confidence in who I am and in the Universe, and am still so grateful to this day. From feeding elephants and doing Muay Thai on day one of my cycle to a gnarly sunburn from being on a longboat island hopping all day to a sacred Sri Yantra tattoo ceremony that spiritually cleansed me, there is just so much reverence I have for Thailand due to the experience it gave me. It will forever hold a place in my heart.
April: After my Thailand experience, I felt reborn. Something palpable shifted inside of me, and maybe you also noticed it. Even the way I’d shoot and edit my content was different. I didn’t depend on filters or editing as much as I used to. I felt beautiful for the first time in a long time. My energy was rejuvenated and I wasn’t afraid of putting myself out there more. Everyone had always commented on my confidence throughout my life, but it was such a stranger to me…until it wasn’t, and I realized I’d been hiding from the world for far too long.
May: My father came to visit and stay with me for a month. The last time I saw him was during my visit to Lebanon in 2019. If you’ve been following my journey (or read my book Let That Shit Go), then you know that we’ve had a tumultuous journey, however this trip was completely different. I felt like I finally got to experience the father I’d been fighting for, the man I refused to give up on. Did we still have our moments? Of course, but it was nothing like before. This was healing in ways I didn’t even realize I needed.
June: I was OUTSIDE! Whether it was supporting my friends with their short films, getting into bridesmaid mode for the bridal party, redoing my website and reconfiguring my business model all by myself, recording content, having a social life or just simply being, I was enjoying each moment as it came.
July: Here come the lessons. July required me to set a lot of boundaries with people I love the most, and it was challenging for me. I had to face fears of being selfish for prioritizing myself, fight the desire to just people-please and bend to other people’s will, and stand up for myself in ways I wasn’t used. I cried a lot. My voice would shake. I would ruminate on conversations long after they were over. I was irritable and angry. I was facing a lot of trolls on the Internet over a viral post. And all I wanted to do was run and hide. But you know what? I didn’t. As uncomfortable as I felt, as much as I would quiver, I showed up for myself in the best way I could and remembered that I’m capable of doing hard things. I navigated a foreign country by myself for fucks sake!
August: It was time to pack my bags yet again for a week-long trip to Mexico! Remember bridesmaid duties? Well, it was time for the bachelorette and we were headed to Mexico City and Merida, two places I’d never been to before and couldn’t wait to explore. The only downer? My finances were in such a rut, I could barely allow myself to just enjoy it. Transparently, I’d been experiencing financial trouble for years. It seemed like no matter what I did, I kept falling into this place of never having enough cushion to feel safe. At this point, I had only enough money in my account to pay the rent that was coming up and a couple bills. I felt so guilty I was even going on this trip. Am I stupid? I should be staying home and figuring this out…but I didn’t, because when it comes to travel, I know there’s a bigger plan at play. I tried my best to leave my Scrooge energy at home, but the truth is—when my finances are unstable, I become emotionally unstable. That security has always mattered a lot to me, and let’s be real, I like to experience what life has to offer and that tends to cost you. During the trip, I kept calculating every dollar I was spending and it was making me sweat and I know it affected my mood, until finally I said fuck it—when has the Universe ever not taken care of me? I’ve been here before, this will get figured out. And boom! Emails started pouring in with paid opportunities. Lesson.
September: I was asked to moderate my friend’s Artist Talk which was a huge honor, especially because her pieces were all about love. Being her friend, I was a witness to the influences that helped create the art that she was now showcasing to the world, and that was such a beautiful experience. I also got to celebrate one of my childhood best friend’s first baby shower and new house. Everything was coming together for the people around me, and it was beautiful to see. I also started reading Mary Magdalene Revealed this month, a book that would immediately become one of my all-time favorites and confirmation for my spiritual journey.
October: It’s wedding time! In preparation for the big day, I finally cut and colored my hair, something I hadn’t done in years and every woman knows that a fresh cut and color does something to your spirit! Standing alongside one of my dearest friends as she embarks on this new chapter in her life was both inspiring and motivating. I just love love.
November: Suitcases are back out and it’s time for my highly anticipated Egypt retreat! I don’t know what was in the air this year (aside from me), but God said, “Don’t worry about what your bank account says. You’re still about to see the world.” A reminder that there is no limit to what God can do. There are no words to describe what I experienced in Egypt. It was just as magical as you would expect and another journey that will be cherished and remembered for the rest of my life. I also got to spend time with my aunt who I hadn’t seen since 2019 in Zurich during my layovers, which was one of the most pleasant surprises!
December: Remember that Faith in Media breakfast? Well, now I was a guest for their first annual honoree event. The first year this event has ever been done and I’m already in the room. I see you God. Yet again, I was left inspired about the possibilities and in awe of the divine alignment of everything coming into focus at this time. I knew I was being prepared for something, and even though I’m still not certain as to what domino will be the first to drop and set everything in motion, I know it’s only a matter of time. This was further proved by witnessing one of my close friends, Jay Taj, share his talents with the world on season 2 of Rhythm + Flow. I’ve watched this man sharpen his craft and evolve as a person for the last decade, and now he’s finally getting his flowers. Another lesson on always trusting the timing of your life.
If you’re still reading this, thank you for not allowing my words to hit deaf ears. I appreciate you witnessing my journey.
I know I make it look easy, but nothing about this journey has been easy. I’ve started multiple drafts of books, movies and TV shows just to leave them half-written. I’m trying to be better at that. I have hundreds of ideas, but don’t always execute (also working on that). I’ve wanted to give up many times. I’ve felt like a failure. I’ve wondered if I’ll die alone. I’ve felt incredibly lonely, overwhelmed, overlooked and more than anything—exhausted.
The truth is I’ve been navigating my entire life with little to no guidance outside of God, and while that has its own unique set of challenges, it also sharpened me to be a very unique woman. God winks have shown up through loving friends, the care from my parents and even kind strangers, and I am so grateful for that.
Still, this year showed me how I can make things harder than they need to be. A sort of self-loathing that would manifest through suffering in silence and skewed perceptions that kept me stuck in cycles of self-undoing in ways that weren’t always necessary.
This year showed me that I can trust myself and I can trust the Universe. We’re both playing for the same team and we both have my best interest at heart.
Name a better duo than that.
Thank you so much for sharing this. It’s exactly what I needed right now and makes me feel less alone in my journey. Which seems so similar to yours. It’s so encouraging. Keep shingling and doing what you’re doing because it matters! 💖
Is such a pleasure to read your story Bru! Thank you for sharing it!!