Do You Know How the Media Manipulates You?
Dr. Corey Emanuel is ready to show us the cheat codes.
How much time do you spend in front of a screen?
Whether it’s your phone, computer or TV, chances are most of your day is spent taking in various forms of media that—whether you realize it or not—is greatly affecting you. And listen, no one’s judging. I am right there with you.
I watch an obscene amount of TV, and I usually do it with one of my best friends Corey. He’s a media psychologist, so of course our binge-watching sessions spark very interesting dialogue that gets my wheels turning, and when he describes how the media is literally tapping into our psyche, my mind is blown every time.
If you were one of the 38 million viewers who watched Netflix's Social Dilemma, you may or may not have been surprised to discover the various ways social media and social networking companies have manipulated human psychology in order to rewire the human brain.
And if you’re anything like me, that insight only made you want to dig deeper. I mean, have you ever sat down and really thought of the ways in which the media affects your personal identity, your sense of self-worth, and your intimate relationships? Because it absolutely does, and it’s on purpose.
At some point, I turned to Corey and was like, “Listen, you gotta lead a Wellness Webinar on this. People need to know how the media is manipulating them.” And since he’s my bestie and I didn’t really leave any room for him to say no, he is. Ha!
This Sunday, Dr. Corey will guide participants through a look at the role of social comparison and perceived similarity via the psychology of media, as well as some of the most common triggers that can often lead to stress, anxiety or depression.
We talk so much about letting go of what doesn’t serve us on this journey back to Self, but hardly do we take a good look at what we consume visually and mentally through media, and hold that accountable. If you really want to get back to you, we gotta be able to detach from the BS that slyly takes us away from ourselves every day, and in order to do that, we have to be aware enough to smell that BS when we see it.
So, join Dr. Corey and I on Sunday for what will surely be an insightful and entertaining experience that will lead you to calling out things every time you turn on the TV.