All right, y’all. You know I’m over here being psychic and all, and there’s been something tugging at me for a while. I kept swatting it away, but it’s time to address it…
This might be for one person reading this, but someone here is yearning for a career change. There’s a sense of feeling emotionally unfulfilled with what you’re doing. Maybe you’re craving more meaning in what you do. Maybe you’re craving better understanding of yourself and others. Regardless, I’m here to offer you a potential solution to that niggling feeling that you can’t shake.
As many of you know, I’m a certified professional coach for high conscious living through iPEC, and I use a lot of the tools and knowledge I gained through that program in my readings, my seeker calls and my everyday life and personal relationships.
If you’ve ever been curious about my coaching journey, then maybe there’s a part of yourself that is interested in being a coach, too.
My journey started on my couch back in 2018. I was reading Jen Sincero’s You Are a Badass and she kept talking about her experience as a coach. Of course, I was like, “Wait, I wanna do that.”
So, I immediately jumped on Google and started researching coaching schools and programs. When I got to iPEC’s website, I felt a full-body YES, so I scheduled a call with their admissions team to see what they’re about.
My call with Ryan was pretty amazing. We hit it off, and what I appreciated about the call was he did his research. At one point, he said, “So, I looked you up…” to which I thought to myself, “Oh, fuck. What did he see?” Ha!
He said, “Whether you decide to come to iPEC or not, I just want you to know that you’re definitely meant to be a coach.”
Yeah, I almost cried. That was confirmation I didn’t know I needed, and still, I was apprehensive. Let’s be real—it’s a huge investment of time, energy and, what we’re all thinking, money.
So, he told me to think about it and I kept going back and forth. As egotistical as it may sound (and in retrospect, was probably further evidence that I absolutely needed to do this program), I kept thinking to myself, “I’m pretty self-aware. Will it be worth it? Will I really learn anything?”
Oooooohweeeee, child, when I tell you they revealed parts of myself I never knew existed!
That’s the power of coaching. I experienced something similar with my Reiki training, as well. In order to really embody the energy you need to help others heal, you must first become familiar with healing these parts of yourself, and so whether you realize it or not, these programs become healing intensives for you first and foremost.
Looking back, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that this was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
After the training (even during!), I felt like I was given a fresh lens to see the world, and myself, through.
It’s instilled this deep desire in me to learn more and more about myself, so I feel more “me” than I ever have in my entire life—and let me tell you, that’s a wonderful feeling to feel.
Maybe it’s the time we’re in and what we’ve been experiencing these last few years, but the world needs more healers, more communicators, more people who are mindful about energy and compassion and holding space. And maybe I’m bias, but I feel like this community especially is full of those people.
So, here’s what I’m going to leave you with…
If you’re even the slightest bit curious about coaching, you can check out the details of the full coach training program here.
If you’re ready to answer the call and meet with someone from the admissions team, then email with your first and last name, your email, phone number, country of residence, and why you’d like to be a coach, and I’ll personally refer you (you’ll also receive $150 off your tuition because of the referral).
In all transparency, if you’re wondering if I get a kick back for this, too, the answer is yes. We all win.
You’re also welcome to email me with questions if you’re unsure and want to talk it over. I won’t make the decision for you, or give you advice, but I can help coach you through the process of figuring out if this is the right fit for you.
Trust me, I know it’s a BIG decision and that’s why I’m here to offer all the guidance and support I possibly can—because it’s also a life-changing decision and I’m so excited I get to share it with you.
Remember, meeting with the admissions team doesn’t mean you’re obligated to do the program. It’s just a way to dip your toes in and see how you feel.
Here’s to being the change we wish to see in the world!