So many of us have heard of manifesting our reality. Our thoughts create things. Unfortunately, many of us use that power to manifest our fears instead of what we actually want for ourselves.
However, once you tap into that pattern and learn how to catch it, you can begin to use your manifestation skills for the things you actually want (and yes, you have that power, and no, you can’t impede on someone’s free will).
Here’s the thing, though—manifesting a life you truly desire brings up a lot of insecurities, because although you want it, you have to believe you deserve it. And many of us were taught to believe otherwise. Many of us were taught that we have to make things happen, that it has to make sense and without a 34-part plan with detailed execution, it can’t happen. Sigh.
In many of our Oracle readings, we talk about surrender. Although we’ve all heard of surrendering, most of us have never practiced it. It’s a lot harder than it seems. It requires trust, faith and true determination.
When you manifest, you set the intention, you visualize, you believe with your entire being that what you’re putting into motion is what your soul wants and what you’re ready to receive. The energetic vibration is sent out and the unseen work begins.
And then the hard part comes in—you have to let it go.
It’s as simple and as difficult as that. You have to let that desire and intention go, so the work can begin, but so many of us get caught up in the how.
How am I gonna make that happen?
Well, guess what? That’s none of your business. I know, I know. That sounds crazy, but manifesting is not for the logical. If you allow yourself to get caught up in the logistics, of course you’ll drown in a pool of doubt, fear and shame for even thinking that you could receive what you want. What you’re actually doing is micromanaging the Universe, and that’s not your job. I’m speaking from experience.
My late mentor told me over a decade ago that he could see the fire in my eyes, and that as much as he loved how passionate I was about what I wanted to do with my life, sometimes he wished he could just tug me back a little. It took me a long time to understand what he was telling me, but over the years, I saw what he was pointing out play out time and time again in various facets of my life.
I would ask the Universe for something, and instead of letting it go and creating space for the Universe to do what it needs to do, I would take charge. I wasn’t patient. I wasn’t trusting. I didn’t have faith. I felt like I had to make it happen or it wouldn’t happen. I didn’t consider all of the other pieces that were at play to create the perfect opportunity for me to seize the very thing I asked for. And those actions, whether it was conscious or not, was putting out a vibration that told the Universe I didn’t truly believe I deserved what I wanted, and ultimately, I’d end up manifesting my fears instead of my desires, because things weren’t panning out the way I thought they should.
Next time you manifest, say it with your chest. Say it with your entire being, and then let it go. Don’t wonder or spiral into questions. Allow the miracles to transform your life. Let go of the logic and rationale. Let go of the how. All you have to worry about is continuing to do the work so you can acknowledge and receive the blessings that will come your way when the time is right.
Create the life you’ve always imagined by knowing that it’s all happening for your highest good.