Keeping LA Strong During Tragedy
Resources for shelters, groceries, donation drives and more included.
Hey everyone,
I hope you’ve been able to manage this last week.
As many of you probably know, Los Angeles has been fighting devastating fires all around the county, causing incredibly difficult and heartbreaking circumstances for many of our fellow Angelenos.
I’m an LA native. This city raised me and continues to be my home. I’ve watched people I know lose everything, the streets I grew up in engulfed in flames and entire neighborhoods that I’ve frequented go up in smoke.
While fires are no stranger to us, this is something else. As my neighbor told me over the phone, “In my 70 years here, I’ve never seen something like this.”
It has been heavy in every possible way.
Given the current climate, I’m going to pause on my usual content. I apologize to those who were looking forward to the readings and energy forecasts, but right now, my city is my priority and helping those in need is of the utmost importance.
Those who aren’t from here may not understand the energy of Los Angeles. It’s easy to project feelings of vanity, superficiality and egotism on LA, and that’s not to say there isn’t any of that, but it’s so much more than anyone will ever understand unless you’ve been blessed with the ability to know this city.
We are a city full of immigrants, dreamers, creatives and delusional artists who are willing to bet their last dollar on seeing their wishes come true. We bet on ourselves time and time again. We work multiple jobs just to pay rent. Yes, we stress ourselves out in order to live here, because we can’t imagine another place in the world to call home.
This is where some of your favorite TV shows, movies and entertainment are made. When the world is difficult to endure, we create a lot of what helps you escape.
Whether for a season or a lifetime, this city will show you who you are, what you’re made of and just how much resilience you have. It’s not for everybody, but it’s a very special place for many of us.
As we continue to do what we can to combat the disasters that are ravaging our homes, please say a prayer for us. We will see the other side of this and be better for it, because that’s we we do.
We don’t quit. We never have, and we won’t start now.
If this experience has taught us anything, it’s that when it comes down to the wire, it’s community that saves us. The way everyone has come together in this desperate time of need is nothing short of miraculous, so the next time anyone is tempted to judge LA for how “fake” it is, remember how we showed up for each other when it mattered most.
Regardless of where you live, these last five years have shown us how unpredictable life can get. One minute, you’re enjoying the sunshine and a delicious meal with the people you love, and the next minute, everything has turned to ash.
Community is vital. Nothing can replace that. When the government and elected officials fail us, it’s your neighbors, friends and even strangers that come together to rebuild and help.
With that said, I wanted to include some resources for those in need:
Feel free to share with anyone who can benefit, and remember to have empathy and compassion as you move through this world.
People are suffering in ways you can’t even imagine, and the least we can do is be considerate to those we share this planet with. Check on the people you love, send them a message, spread some love.
Thank you for your understanding and your care. I hope to get back to regularly scheduled programming soon, but I also know that this will take time to grieve.
Sending so much love, strength and prayers for all. Please stay safe. 💜🫂🙏🏽