It’s finally here.
Ever since I got my life coach certification in late 2018, I knew I wanted to coach groups. I’ve been brainstorming ways to create a program that was necessary and aligned, while also staying true to my values. And that day has finally come.
I’m incredibly excited to announce that I’m officially launching my 8-Week Shadow Work Group Coaching Program!
When it came to creating a coaching program, I really wanted to focus on a topic that you don’t see openly discussed too much. We’ve obviously talked about the shadow numerous times (it comes up in nearly every reading), but hardly do we receive guidance and true support in navigating that journey.
Well, I’m here to change that.
Before I dive into the program, let’s cover some of the basics to make sure we’re all on the same page.
What is shadow work? At its core, shadow work is making the unconscious conscious. With that said, the shadow represents any traits in our personality that we don’t like, so we repress them in our unconscious mind.
Shadow work, first coined by psychologist Carl Jung, is the process of becoming aware of these parts and integrating them. It is identifying patterns and beliefs that keep us stuck in an unhealthy cycle. It is, essentially, inner child work and deconstructing aspects of ourselves that are blocking our full potential.
How do we know if we need to do shadow work? Honey, we all need to do shadow work, because we all have a shadow side. A huge part of this journey is not only becoming aware of our shadow, but learning how to work with our shadow so we can enter a realm of self-mastery instead of always acting on impulse and regretting it later.
Here’s what you need to know here & now…
My 8-week shadow work program will be split into two groups—one for feminine-identifying people and one for masculine-identifying people. As you guys know, safety and community are my priority. For that reason, I’m only accepting a very small number of people into each group.
The program will consist of weekly Zoom calls with me, as well as course material, worksheets, integration assignments, spiritual practice, and so much more. You will be guided and supported throughout this entire journey.
I’m planning on offering a few cycles of this program a year, so if you don’t make it into the first cycle, then don’t worry!
In all transparency, it’s taken me a bit to put an offering like this together, because:
I was afraid of failure.
I tend to overthink things.
But integrity is a top value of mine, so how can I sit here and tell you guys to take a leap of faith and to face your fears if I’m not doing the same?
Thank you for giving me the push.
Now, enough small talk. Learn more about the new program below, and if you feel ready to jump into the deep end, submit your application!
The deadline for applications is December 31, and we begin diving into our darkness in January. Buckle up!