Happy Cancer Full Moon, friends.
I’ve decided to sprinkle in some moon rituals for you, as they’ve become very effective tools for me the last three years and counting. The phases of the moon are very powerful times to set intentions, and that’s what we’ll be doing.
Full moons tend to illuminate the things we’ve left in the shadows. So, if this Cancer Full Moon has you more emotional than you’d like, welcome to the club. Cancer is all water, and the waves run deep. Expect to wash through any stagnant and trapped energy during this full moon, as it is the last full moon of 2020 and the final goodbye to the roller coaster we’ve been going through all year.
Cancer is maternal. It is the sensitive, nurturing sign. Those with Cancer placements are familiar with the feels. The rest of us may be facing vulnerability that is uncomfortable for us. Remember to breathe and surrender to the cradle of this Cancer Full Moon. Let it all out, and mother yourself along the way.
With Full Moon rituals, we release. We do this by writing down intentions on what we want to release and then burning the paper (safely) to transmute the energy. You can write any intentions you want, but I’ve included some to get you started below. Please make sure to write your intentions in present tense. No “I will” or “I want” or “I’m going to,” as these phrases set the intention on the longing for whatever you’re releasing, instead of the actual release.
Once you’re done writing your intentions, it is very important to include the full closing clause, written by one of my favorite astrologers Danielle Ayoka. She’s been my guide with these moon rituals and a blessing. You can follow her on Twitter here.
Cancer Full Moon Intentions (written on a piece of paper that you will burn afterwards):
I release all pain associated with maternal energy, mothering and my associations with mother-child relationships.
I release all fear in regards to vulnerability, being open and in tune with my emotions.
I release all blocks, patterns, trauma and habits that prevent me from having a stable, healthy, familial bond and environment.
I release all unhealthy patterns keeping me from reaching my goals.
I release all trauma that’s blocking me from reaching my goals.
I release any form of self-hate and self-sabotage blocking my full authenticity.
I release any form of self-sabotage that’s blocking my happiness.
I release any trauma blocking my ability to embrace my Divine Feminine energy.
I release any fear, thought patterns and unhealthy habits that stifle my ability to receive love.
Closing Clause:
I release all implants, imprints, templates, thought forms, frequencies, energetic agreements, karma, trauma, chords, vibrations and patterns that resonate with the energy associated with my intentions on every layer of my existence, and out of all my chakras, major and minro, all layers o fmy aura, all of my subtle bodies of energy, my higher and lower self, ego, consciousness and awareness. I declare all these things to be so and in perfect alignment with my greatest and highest good. So it is.
After the clause, burn the paper safetly and feel the energy leaving your body. Some of these intentions are heavy, so please make sure to rest and drink water afterwards. Physical symptoms may arise. The process of moving energy is different for everyone.
Regardless, this is a time to nurture yourself. Take it easy, and let the hurt all wash away.
If you’re interested in hearing what the cards have to say about the Cancer Full Moon, join me for an oracle reading tonight at 6 pm PST on @divinelightcouncil’s IG Live.
🙌🏽🙌🏽 Always comin thruuuu bru boo ! Thank you! Can’t wait to hear what the cards say