I know what you’re thinking.
You’re thinking that I’m about to say, “The only thing you can control is yourself.” Well, that’s partially true, but not what this post is about.
Because the harsh truth is sometimes you can’t even control that.
Sometimes you act out of character, hurt the people you love, do things you regret, because you’re overwhelmed, disconnected, going through it, operating from autopilot…you name it.
During my therapy session yesterday, my therapist started to talk about all I can control, and I thought she was about to say that tried and true statement, too. But she didn’t.
Instead, she said, “All we can really control is what we give attention to.”
So with that said, I encourage you to really think about that. Feel it. What do you give you attention to?
During our Cancer Full Moon reading Monday night, a lot of mental patterns came up, and man, they can be so hard to break (I know from personal experience).
This moon is really asking us to let go of the inner child wounds that are keeping us held back, and for some of us, that’s releasing the overactive mind that is constantly overworking, overanalyzing and overdoing it just to find the problem, a problem, any problem.
It may have been cultivated for safety once upon a time, but now it’s up for review.
At what point does survival and coping mechanisms hurt you versus help you? Because chances are, if you resonate with this post, your mind can become the source of most of your pain.
You create scenarios that are rooted in your worst fears. You anticipate hurt and pain. You assume the worst, and the mind does what it does by immediately rationalizing this behavior by making you believe it’s doing a good thing. A safe thing. A protective thing.
You control what you give attention to, and if that is where your attention goes, ask yourself why? Why is so much of your energy spent on what hurts?
The answers may not come instantly. They may not come for a long time, but keep asking them. Challenge your mind, your thoughts, your patterns and your beliefs. Hold them accountable.
As you venture through this deep dive into the crevices of your mind, I hope you also give attention to the fact that you deserve some peace and happiness.
And I hope you also remember that both are readily available to you should you see it, choose it and focus on it.