Where do you draw the line in the sand? Is it even visible? Does it wash away at the hint of resistance?
Boundaries have become a topic of much discussion over the last few years, and even moreso in our conversations on Return to Self. It’s come up multiple times in our card readings and dialogue. I’d also be willing to bet that many of us have been slapped with the reality that we may not even know what the heck boundaries actually are, let alone how to determine and enforce them in our daily lives.
If that sounds familiar, don’t get down on yourself. Most of us weren’t taught how to implement boundaries, because most of us were on survival mode. When you’re focused on surviving, you’ll accept anything and do anything to make ends meet and keep yourself comfortable (read: trauma responses).
However, as you know, we’re no longer feeding our survival mentality. We’re transitioning from surviving to thriving. And in order to thrive, you need to become the CEO of your life. Hire and fire, accordingly. Take inventory. Restructure the blueprint. Set boundaries.
The truth is boundaries can be incredibly scary, especially for those of us who are carrying deep abandonment and people-pleasing wounds. The limiting beliefs of not feeling enough or worthy feed the idea that setting any sort of boundary may create conflict and chaos, and it absolutely might, but because our fear is so great, we’re more willing to sacrifice our own well-being and self-abandon rather than feel the possible sting of someone else doing it to us.
This year, one of my greatest hopes for us is that we knock that limiting belief on its ass. We are mastering boundaries in 2021, because we deserve to live a life that truly fulfills us, instead of just accepting whatever we’re given out of fear.
To boost this goal, I made certain that our first Wellness Webinar of the year is on boundaries, and I’m so excited to have Sharon Peykar (aka @sitwithsharon on IG) leading the class.
Sharon Peykar is a relationship coach and licensed psychotherapist who works with clients facing challenges related to codependency. In this webinar, Sharon will discuss boundaries and the role they play in helping us maintain healthy relationships. She will cover the different types of boundaries, what gets in the way of setting boundaries, and ways to discern what our boundaries are in relationships.
This webinar will take place on Sunday, January 17 at 11 am PST on Zoom. Per usual, it will be recorded and playback will be sent to everyone who registers, so if you can’t attend live, you can still catch all the knowledge that was shared at a time that’s more convenient for you.
Oooh, I can almost feel some of your hesitation with this. Maybe the word boundaries makes you cringe. Well, that might be a sign that this is something you need to face.
It’s time to show up for yourself.
Return to Self members, don’t forget that you have a discount code valid for our Wellness Webinars. Not a member, but curious to learn more? Just hit that button below.
May you never forget that the person who needs you most is you.