What Shadows Lurk In Your Birth Chart?
Introducing a new personalized PDF report for your shadow work journey.
As many of you know, I am a big supporter of using your birth chart as a guide and resource when it comes to shadow work.
Shadow work refers to the process of exploring and integrating the unconscious or repressed parts of ourselves, often referred to as our "shadow,” a term coined by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.
This process helps us become more aware of our unconscious patterns that can oftentimes take control of our lives and feed into unhealthy relationships and dynamics.
As someone who has used my own birth chart and my Self as my greatest case study, I have seen firsthand how interpreting the shadow aspects of your cosmic blueprint can help bring awareness to shadow traits and patterns that may be lurking beneath the surface.
And through this awareness, change begins.
Some of you have sat with me for an in-depth Shadow Chart Reading, where I go into detail on various placements and aspects that point to specific behaviors that may be holding you back or keeping you stuck.
While this offering is beneficial, I know that it can be intimidating and jarring for some, which is why I created something else for you—a personalized PDF report on the Shadow Traits in Your Birth Chart.
In this report, we peel back the layers of the cosmos to reveal the unseen influences and patterns that have been guiding your journey since the moment of your birth.
Within this 13-page report, you’ll find the shadow traits and patterns associated with your personal sun sign, moon sign, Venus sign, Saturn sign, Pluto sign and Black Moon Lilith sign, as well as the correlating limiting belief, core wound and healing tips for each placement.
Is it still going to read you? Yes. Will it trigger some defensiveness and perhaps a twinge of discomfort? Possibly. But while this information may feel confronting at first, it is the first step to true inner liberation.
And the beauty is you can reveal these layers to yourself in the comfort and privacy of your own space by yourself.
This report is not for those who are still stuck in victim mentality, the blame game or feeding into an old story. If you’re not ready to see your role in how things play out in your life, then you won’t be in the energetic space to receive this information—and that’s OK. It’s just not time yet.
However, if you’re ready to face the truth and accept the responsibility and accountability that comes with recognizing your role in your own suffering, then this is a great place to start.
Empower yourself with the knowledge and wisdom to navigate the complexities of your birth chart and harness the transformative power of your shadow traits. Embrace your shadows, embrace your light, and embrace the infinite possibilities that await you in the cosmos.
If you’re searching for your light, then prepare to journey through your darkness in order to find it, because that’s where it’s waiting for you.