This Monday, Sept. 20, marks the Pisces Full Moon, so you already know I got you covered.
The Pisces Full Moon is the perfect time to tap in and regain inner balance between your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. It’s a time to really prioritize your soul’s alignment.
The energy surrounding this full moon will be dreamy, creative, and intuitive. It may also spark a lot of emotion, as water signs tend to do, so this is a great time to remind yourself that emotions can be deceiving, especially if triggered by your fears.
If you find yourself wanting to escape or feel overwhelmed, consider putting your phone down, cutting off the endless social media scrolling, and instead indulge in something creative. You can also get your body moving to release any trapped energy that’s running on loop.
This is an opportunity to find the sweet spot in the middle of your emotions and your rationale.
Neptune, the planet of illusions, dreams, and intuition, will also play a role in the energy of this full moon due to its placement.
This can create a mental fog and make it harder to make decisions or think clearly. It can also make those bubbling emotions rise to the surface without being able to actually analyze what we’re feeling.
Allow this journey to lead you where you need to go without being impulsive.
This Pisces Full Moon may highlight themes that were brought up at the beginning of the month with the Virgo New Moon, and also any events linked to the Pisces New Moon back in mid-March.
Again, don’t allow any sudden shifts to throw you off center. Instead, use whatever comes up as a compass to where the healing needs to take place.
Be graceful with yourself as you navigate what still needs to be released.
As I’ve mentioned, with Full Moon rituals, we release. We do this by writing down intentions on what we’re releasing and burning the paper (safely) to transmute the energy. You can write any intentions you want, but I’ve included some below that align with the energy of the Pisces Full Moon to get you started.
Please make sure to write your intentions in present tense. No “I will” or “I want” or “I’m going to,” as these phrases set the intention on the longing for whatever you’re releasing, instead of the actual release.
Once you’re done writing your intentions, it is very important to include the full closing clause at the end, written by one of my favorite astrologers Danielle Ayoka.
Pisces Full Moon Intentions (written on a piece of paper that you will burn afterwards):
I release any blockages disconnecting me from my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.
I safely release any external and internal energies that are disconnecting me from my Higher Self.
I safely remove any confusion and negativity that is preventing me from walking in my soul’s authenticity.
I very safely release any energy that is not authentic to me on a soul level.
I release any blocks or fears that prohibit me from embodying my Highest truths.
I release any blocks, patterns and ways of being that keep me off the path of my Highest Good.
I release any blocks separating me from my intuition and inner knowing.
Closing Clause:
I release all implants, imprints, templates, thought forms, frequencies, energetic agreements, karma, trauma, chords, vibrations and patterns that resonate with the energy associated with my intentions on every layer of my existence, and out of all my chakras, major and minor, all layers of my aura, all of my subtle bodies of energy, my higher and lower self, ego, consciousness and awareness. I declare all these things to be so and in perfect alignment with my greatest and highest good. So it is.
After the clause, burn the paper safely and feel the energy leaving your body. Some of these intentions are heavy, so please make sure to rest and drink water afterwards. Physical symptoms may arise. The process of moving energy is different for everyone.
If you’re interested in hearing what the cards have to say about the Pisces Full Moon, join me for an oracle reading Monday night at 5 pm PST on IG Live (@brunanessif).
Last, but certainly not least, join us for our next community meditation event in Burbank, Calif., on Sunday! All the information is below.