Have you guys been hearing about this new moon on Saturday? Apparently, it’s going to be a big deal, which, I know…you always say that, Bruna. Listen, I’m just letting y’all know what I’m gathering from the experts.
I’m nowhere near qualified to get into the nitty-gritty of this Pisces New Moon on the 13th, but this is what I’ve learned through badass Chani Nicholas (who is absolutely qualified to talk all things astrology).
Basically, Neptune is all up in this week and this new moon. What makes this significant is Pisces is the sign of the ocean, and Neptune is the ruler of the ocean. Intense, right? Pisces is all about tapping into your subconscious mind, intuition and emotional growth. Neptune is all about time, psychic abilities, dreams, instincts, and illusion, so this week may feel very Twilight Zone adjacent.
The theme that’s coming up with these placements is distinguishing your own illusions.
Pay attention to the ways you so desperately want to escape your reality by projecting the idea that there’s something better (grass is greener mentality) or that if you were someone else things would be better.
Care for the younger part of yourself that was always looking for something different than what was. Hold and tend to the parts of yourself that are dissatisfied and yearn for something different, and follow that to unravel the story of what hurts.
Now is not the time to use all your energy to fight what is happening. When there’s a strong current, you cannot fight against it. You can try, but you’ll probably hurt yourself. Surrender to the wave and learn how to surf.
On the day of new moon, Venus and Neptune make a conjunction. This will create an incredibly dreamy and poetic energy, so it’s a great new moon to dream big and allow those fantasies to inform you, but be careful of mistaking them for reality.
Do practices that help you stay grounded while also witnessing the power of your imagination. Where do your thoughts go? Is it creating more fear?
Clear any doubt or manipulation that is blocking you from reaching the unseen potential within you. The shift is happening.
Now, for those of you who’ve done these New Moon rituals, you know what to do. If you haven’t, here’s the necessary information you need to move forward.
Unlike the full moon ritual, where you set intentions on what you want to release and burn your list, new moon rituals are what you want to manifest and bring in. There will be no burning.
What you will need is a completely unused notebook (if you already have a New Moon journal, you’ll use that same one for this ritual). There cannot be any pages used or torn out. This will become your new moon journal and can only be used for new moon intentions. Once you’ve decided which new notebook you’ll dedicate to your new moon intentions, you’ll consecrate, or pray, over the journal.
Put your right hand over the journal, and say to your higher self, "I dedicate this journal to manifesting my new moon intentions." Boom. Done. You only need to do this once. Again, it’s super important that you don’t use this notebook for anything else!
Now, remember that when you write your intentions, you don’t want to use phrases like “I will,” “I want,” “I wish,” etc. as that will only manifest the longing for whatever you put down. Make definitive statements when phrasing your intentions: "I am," "I have," "I manifest," "I transform," "I create," "I make," "I attract."
You have from today until end of day Tuesday to complete it.
You can write whatever intentions you’d like, but here are some optional intentions you can use that align with the Pisces New Moon energy (c/o @mysticxlipstick):
I am in perfect alignment with the spiritual path that is the healthiest and most conducive for my growth, well-being and happiness.
I have all the tools, knowledge and resources I need for my inner growth and spiritual development.
I transform all aspects of myself that are harming me spiritually, emotionally and energetically.
I have healthy boundaries with myself and others mentally, emotionally and energetically.
I transform all fear, pain and trauma into healthy catapults for growth, learning and happiness.
I transmute all lower vibrational ways of being that are blocking me from my healthiest path.
I fully embrace my creative potential healthily.
I am completely free to healthily express my emotions.
Once you’re done writing your intentions, seal it with the following clause: "I give thanks to the Universe for all of these intentions fully manifesting in perfect alignment with my highest good. So it is."
Now, put your notebook away until next month’s new moon, and trust that the intentions you’ve written down are already being manifested for the highest good of all involved.
Also, don’t forget that this Sunday is our Wellness Webinar on Intergenerational Trauma with guest teacher Madina Wardak. What better way to follow this New Moon than learning how to break cycles of pain? Sign up here!
And, as always, tune in to my IG Live on @DivineLightCouncil Saturday evening at 6 pm PST to see what the cards have to say about this new moon.
Happy manifesting!