Welcome to September!
As we prepare to say our goodbyes to summer, and bring our flannels out for the fall, we’ll also be welcoming a New Moon in Virgo on Monday, Sept. 6.
Being wrapped in Virgo energy, this New Moon can come through with some motivating energies for you. Perhaps you finally get the oomph you needed to finish a project or tackle something that you’ve put off for a while.
Maybe you’ll be more inspired to take up a new hobby you’ve been thinking about or finally jump start that healthier lifestyle you keep talking about. Either way, this New Moon will rev the engine inside of you that wants to drive you into the best version of yourself.
And one thing we know about Virgos—they don’t play.
The New Moon will also make a trine to Uranus, which is a powerful and harmonious aspect. For some, this New Moon will enhance your intuition and psychic awareness, and bring flashes of insight.
This aspect can also lead to self-discovery, self-awareness, and creative breakthroughs, as well as being able to anticipate the future and making whatever changes are necessary to adapt.
Regardless, this is a great time to kick out the old and prepare for the new.
Now, for those of you who’ve done these New Moon rituals, you know what to do. If you haven’t, here’s the necessary information you need to move forward.
Unlike the full moon ritual, where you set intentions on what you want to release and burn your list, new moon rituals are what you want to manifest and bring in. There will be no burning.
What you will need is a completely unused notebook (if you already have a New Moon journal, you’ll use that same one for this ritual). There cannot be any pages used or torn out. This will become your new moon journal and can only be used for new moon intentions. Once you’ve decided which new notebook you’ll dedicate to your new moon intentions, you’ll consecrate, or pray, over the journal.
Put your right hand over the journal, and say to your higher self, "I dedicate this journal to manifesting my new moon intentions." Boom. Done. You only need to do this once. Again, it’s super important that you don’t use this notebook for anything else!
Now, remember that when you write your intentions, you don’t want to use phrases like “I will,” “I want,” “I wish,” etc. as that will only manifest the longing for whatever you put down. Make definitive statements when phrasing your intentions: "I am," "I have," "I manifest," "I transform," "I create," "I make," "I attract."
The Virgo New Moon is on Monday, so you can do your ritual anytime between Friday and next Thursday.
You can write whatever intentions you’d like, but here are some optional intentions you can use that align with the Virgo New Moon energy (c/o @mysticxlipstick):
My character is in perfect alignment with my highest good.
I allow favorable situations and circumstances to enter my life with ease.
I am happy and relaxed.
My existence is enjoyable and peaceful.
I forgive while honoring my boundaries and worth.
I am in optimal health physically, emotionally and mentally.
I make decisions that are in perfect alignment with the highest good of all involved.
I only create, maintain and desire habits that in perfect alignment with my highest good.
I handle all situations and issues with a relaxed and centered disposition.
I choose to process issues by being centered, calm and neutral.
Once you’re done writing your intentions, seal it with the following clause: "I give thanks to the Universe for all of these intentions fully manifesting in perfect alignment with my highest good. So it is."
Now, put your notebook away until next month’s new moon, and trust that the intentions you’ve written down are already being manifested for the highest good of all involved.
Some important announcements!
Tonight is my third Reiki Experience on Zoom. We’ll be taking you back to the time of conception, gestation, birth and post-birth. The purpose of this experience is to target everything needing healing from the time of conception to post-birth. This can include things that were going on between the parents, ancestral issues, experiences in the womb, and birth trauma.
On Monday night, I’ll be doing an IG Live reading for the Virgo New Moon on my personal IG page (@brunanessif) to see what the cards have to say. Join me at 6 pm PST!
Have a beautiful rest of your week, and as always, take care of yourself.