Your Weekly Oracle Message (09.07.2020)
Here's what the cards have to say about what's in store for this week.

It seems like many of us are finding ourselves in a crossroads of truly deciding if we are on the path that we are meant to be on this week. Perhaps you’re finding yourself questioning a lot of choices that you’ve made or things that you’ve just accepted in your life, and now you’re wondering if this is what you want for the long-term.
I feel like for many of us, this is related to career and work. Perhaps some of you are very drawn right now to the concept of leaving whatever job you’re doing and pursuing something that is actually your passion, however maybe your passion isn’t very stable and that’s what’s keeping you caught up in the work that you’re doing right now. Totally understandable.
However, the Warrior Woman card is asking if you’ve answered your deepest calling. For some, this might be a job situation and figuring out your purpose, or it could be about a relationship. Only you know, but whatever it is, it’s something that’s been tugging at your intuition that you keep putting off to the side. Understand this poke isn’t going to go away.
Chances are you’ve been overthinking, you’ve been over analyzing, you’ve been very critical lately, weighing all the options and exhausting yourself. The cards are telling you to just take a breath and surrender. Understand that you’re already doing it, and there are many other things at play that you may not be aware of. There’s no need to constantly go over things on and on and on in your head. Just keep facing your true north—what does that mean?
That means keep listening to your intuition, and understand that everything is coming together. The Great Gathering card lets us know you’re going to keep getting these intuitive hits this week. Follow them. They’re leading you to the right place.
Also, take some time this week to reach out to those who are near and dear to your heart. If someone has been on your mind, reach out. Some of us may also be connecting with new people this week who feel very familiar. We’re reconnecting with our soul tribe.
The Quick & Dirty: Ask yourself if you answered your deepest calling. What is it that keeps going back-and-forth in your mind? Understand what it is that needs to happen this week to align with what your intuition is telling you. No more silencing it to keep you comfortable. Do your best this week to stop overthinking, and give yourself permission to just surrender and trust. I know, it’s scary. But you’re already doing it, and it’s all coming together for your highest good, so lean into your intuition this week, and lean into your soul tribe. Do your best to silence your mind, and instead listen to your inner knowing, because it’s been trying to talk to you for quite some time.
Love and growth always. Take each moment this week as it comes, and let it go once it’s done.