And so we begin. 2021. Was it the start that you anticipated? Or was it much more emotional than you imagined?
For some of us, this new year rode in with crashing waves. You may have felt like you were suddenly hit with incredibly deep emotions that begged to be released. Good. It’s all part of the process.
As exhausting and overwhelming as these moments can feel, especially at the rate they’ve been happening this past year, when you surrender to them every time, you wash yourself of blocks that have been getting in the way of your blessings.
The cards are reminding us that having faith is of the utmost importance right now, because we often tend to give up right before the miracle. This is not the time to lose hope and give in to your doubts. This is the time to hold true to the vision you have, because it’s closer than you think. It’s all being put together, and some of your lowest moments are actually what are bringing you to the very thing you seek.
Remember, however, that during these moments, it’s also important to nurture yourself and nurture these new beginnings. Endings and beginnings are two sides of the same coin. What may feel like an ending is actually the beginning, and through the process of the picture being revealed, it is our duty to be tender, patient and nourishing to whatever comes up.
A lot of us are diving deep into childhood wounds that are being illuminated right now. Honor your inner child. Be the parent to yourself that you never had. Provide the encouragement and compassion you never got. While it can feel much easier to carry the anger and blame at others, we must dig until we find what’s behind the anger, and nurture those feelings for ourselves. You are now the parent to your inner child, so what do they need and are you showing up for them?
If this week was emotionally turbulent for you, know that it’s leading you closer to the highest good for you and all involved. Surrender to it. Trust in it. And know that no matter how hard the waves crash, you will always end up where you’re meant to be.
Take care of yourselves, and if you need some extra help, consider booking a healing service with me.