Happy Monday, friends.
Thank you for your patience with today’s newsletter. Yesterday’s full moon affected me deeply, and I wanted to honor that before doing any guidance for anyone else.
With that said, I hope that you are also honoring yourself as you navigate any strong emotions, revelations and transitions that may be occurring for you at this time.
Thank you to those who joined me for the Leo Full Moon ceremony yesterday. It was a beautiful experience that I hope I get to do more of with you.
Before I dive into this reading, a quick announcement that the 72-hour Oracle Flash Sale is up and running again, so if you’ve been feeling the need for some extra insight, you have until Thursday morning to purchase!
Now, to this week’s reading…
Let’s take a collective deep breath, because something heavy has been weighing on your heart.
With the Five of Wands here, there was some sort of conflict or disagreement that has come to the surface and is weighing on you emotionally and mentally. With the Two of Cups, this may have to do with a romantic relationship, but it doesn’t have to be.
Regardless, this is something that means a lot to you and is resurfacing some deep emotional wounds.
This is another oddly specific feeling I’m getting so, once again, I’m going to do my best to articulate it clearly and concisely.
There has been a block on your heart for a long time, and perhaps that pain has become so familiar that you don’t even recognize it’s there, but something (or someone) has come into your life and awakened what you thought was no longer possible.
While that sounds like a wonderful rom-com setup, the reality of the matter is that these strong emotions can also revive some deep-seated fears that were also lurking in the shadows.
Any disagreements, conflicts or disharmony that you’re experiencing at this time is not meant to create separation (again, use your discernment here). For some, sure, maybe this experience is showing you something that’s not working, but that’s not who I’m talking to.
I’m talking to the person who feels familiar with pushing people away. I’m talking to the person who finds comfort in solitude because it allows them to stay in their comfort zone without any risk of feeling hurting again. I’m talking to the person who clings to control so tightly that they suffer because of it.
None of these patterns or behaviors are your fault. They were your armor, but just as they may protect you from experiencing pain again, they also block you from experiencing the love and joy that you claim to want.
Understand that it’s not always the other person that has to bend for your love. You need to bend, too.
You’re in a time right now where you’re being faced with a decision. Are you going to fight for this or are you going to push away and retreat back into your comfort zone?
And let me be clear—when I say “fight for this,” I’m not talking about fighting for another person’s attention, love or respect. I’m talking about fighting your shadow, the one that keeps making you believe that you’re protecting yourself when in reality you’re sabotaging the very thing you prayed for.
It’s OK to take some time and space to drop into your heart and really be honest about what you’re feeling. You may have to give up something you’ve held on to for a long time, but that’s because you don’t need it anymore.
With the Six of Swords, there’s a transition in store. You’re moving away from old patterns and beliefs. You’re allowing yourself to take a risk and try something new. The old habits are overdone. You already know the outcome to that story, you’ve lived it for a long time, and even though those endings are never what you wanted, they’re familiar, and there’s a sense of safety in that.
Self-love is in focus here. What if instead of making everyone else the villain and using self-love as the excuse to why you push people away, you consider that truly loving yourself is opening yourself up to love from another person, even when it’s scary to do so?
What if that self-love is recognizing that you deserve love, too, so you can stop trying to find reasons to push it away?
What if the true villain in your love story is you?
I know this is a lot to take in, especially if this message is for you, but Leo rules the heart so it’s also not completely surprising. Your heart is breaking open. Let it.
Allow the discomfort to consume you. Sit with it. Stop running. Sit with the disappointments of the past, the regrets, the grief over lost hopes and wishes, the betrayals, the let-downs, the paths not taken…
Give them the acknowledgement and validation that they deserve, so that you can give yourself the acknowledgment and validation that no one gave you when you were holding this pain.
And once you do that, you might be surprised at how easy it’ll be to finally let it go, and make room for something new.
There’s Leo (Saturn) energy here, as well as Cancer (Venus) energy and Aquarius (Mercury) energy, so these placements may be significant for you or someone else connected to this reading as additional confirmation, but they don’t have to be.
The numerology of this reading is 13, which reduces to a 4, but the energy of 13 feels more aligned for this reading.
In numerology, 13 can “is considered to be a very karmic number. It is associated with the divine, and is said to bring good luck and prosperity to those who embrace it. In fact, many people believe that the number 13 brings about change, which can often lead to a positive outlook. There can be new beginnings with this number.”
Embrace the new beginnings in your life.
Have a beautiful week, and take care of yourselves.
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