Happy Monday and happy March, my friends.
I hope you had a plentiful weekend and that you were able to complete your Virgo Full Moon ritual if you felt called to do so. If not, you still have until tomorrow to complete it under this full moon energy.
Moon magic aside, it looks as though the theme of this week, according to the cards, is to rest and reconnect both with our inner child and with those around us who fill our spirit.
Many of us have been in a very go, go, go mindset lately. It’s hardly ever on purpose, it’s just the way life ends up sometimes. But when was the last time you were able to get up for air? When were you able to truly press pause and rest? Understand that being busy all the time is not sustainable and not healthy. The cards are asking you to really water your own garden and nourish yourself with tenderness and care. Rest and rejuvenate in whatever way you can. If you have a lot on your plate, ask for help. See what absolutely needs to get done, and push everything else to the side. You need to take better care of yourself and stop running yourself into the ground.
During this time of rest, use it as an opportunity to reconnect with your inner child. I’m seeing a vision of a little kid constantly asking mommy or daddy for their attention, but the parent is always too busy to really give them any of their time or focus. That is how your inner child is feeling right now. Be intentional about carving out time to do something relaxing and fun for yourself. Check in with the little you inside that’s always there. What do they need right now?
(Also, for those of you who might be facing some conflict or frustrating situations, this card asks that you remember the child in everyone. There is a tenderness and innocence inside of everyone, so try to carry that with you in difficult moments.)
It can be very easy to fall into the trap of isolation in moments like these, and sometimes, it’s necessary. But the cards are also urging you to lean into your community. Find the friendships and people who fill you up and add substance, and spend time together. I understand it’s harder to do that these days, but there are still ways to connect. We were not meant to do life alone, so be careful of falling into the trap of solitary confinement when you don’t need to.
Last, but certainly not least, this time of rejuvenation is going to serve as clarity for you. The portal is active and doors are opening for you, which means manifesting whatever it is you focus on. Use this time to figure out what that is. Remember to use this energy wisely, as it is extremely easy to focus on what you don’t want rather than what you do. Stay in the realm of attraction. What do you want to bring into your life? What do you truly want and envision for yourself?
As you silence the chaos and noise of every day life and tap back into yourself and your inner child who has been with you every step of the way, call this life in. It’s already yours.
P.S. Episode 2 of the Return to Self podcast is up now! Listen to my conversation with Monique Doughty on her spiritual journey, her lessons on surrendering even when you’re terrified and how she ended up moving to Costa Rica on a whim during a pandemic.