Your Weekly Oracle Reading (03.15.2021)
Monday is back again. How are you feeling?
As many of you know, this past weekend was the New Moon in Pisces, and last week in general brought us many intense and exciting energies to work with. Perhaps you felt the shift throughout the week?
Regardless, the cards suggest that it’s about to get real. The energy I’m feeling with this read is like coming to the end of the movie where you finally find out why things happened they way they did. There’s a sense of resolution. Something coming to a close, and something much greater ready to begin.
Some of you are going to be in a heightened sense of questioning everything this week. Maybe you’ll find out some new information that will change everything for you, but the veil is being lifted, meaning any deception or illusions are going to be brought to light. This can be on a more personal level, meaning within your own life, or on a collective level, like the government revealing some insane news. Maybe both, because life is a doozy like that.
During this questioning period, it’s crucial that you tap into your body and decipher what you’re feeling about the situation. This is why strengthening your intuition has been so important. You’re being asked to let go of what no longer aligns, and the way to know whether it aligns or not, is how it makes you feel. Many people are quick to go to their head, analyzing and observing logic to make a decision, but this won’t help you here. This is an energetic decision, and your mind can’t help you with that. You have to feel your way through.
As many of us know, you may be met with a lot of judgement, criticism, and alienation during this period. People won’t get it, and as much as that sucks, it just is what it is. They’ll get there on their own time, and your priority is making sure you’re operating in a place of integrity. Embrace your uniqueness. I know firsthand how it can feel like a curse to be different, but these are truly gifts, and when you learn to embody that which makes you you, you’ll notice how quickly community builds. Your people can’t find you if you’re always hiding.
For some of you, you’ve been anticipating something and are starting to doubt its arrival because it’s taken so long. Patience is key here. Time never runs out. Everything falls together in Divine timing, not your timing, so do yourself a favor and turn the switch off on all those scenarios in your head, because you’re gonna drive yourself crazy. All we’ve been talking about for the last year now is trust, patience and surrender. It’s time for the championship game. We’ve been practicing, now embody it. Put your knowledge to work.
Because it’s all happening, whether you can see it or not.
Don’t forget to listen to today’s Return to Self podcast episode with Jacob Harrell! Maybe one day I’ll share what a powerful impression this conversation left on me after the fact, but for now, just enjoy the wisdom that my dear friend shares during this episode.
And last but certainly not least, our Wellness Webinar on Intergenerational Trauma with guest teacher Madina Wardak was yesterday. When I tell you I was fighting back tears while also being completely stunned at the facts and research that support this. So much of what we carry isn’t even ours, and I’m exciting to start having this conversation more so we can heal.
If you missed out or wanna see some of our past webinars, you can access our video library below!
Have a beautiful week, and don’t forget to take care of yourselves.