Happy Monday, friends.
As always, I hope this weekend provided you with ample rest, clarity, nourishment and support, especially after this Virgo Full Moon.
Many of us have been experiencing some powerful and palpable shifts this month, so again, honor your needs and have grace with yourself as you learn to navigate this journey.
While these last few weeks may have thrown you (or brought up a lot of dormant emotions), rest assured that everything that’s been shaken up is helping put things together in a way that serves you and your highest good.
In other words, this is all good stuff, and the cards are only adding more confirmation to that.
For this week, the cards are reminding you to stand firm and lean into the shifts that have been occurring for you. And now that we’re in Aries season, we’re taking all of the lessons we learned during Pisces season and putting them in action!
I’m getting the sense that for whoever this message resonates with, you’ve really been nudged to ask yourself what actually matters to you, and what have you been taught to care about that actually doesn’t matter much to you?
You’re being stripped away of whatever is not true for you or the identity you’ve crafted thus far, so that you can embrace who you really are.
There’s a lot of releasing with this as well—limiting beliefs, unhealthy core beliefs of Self, and I’m getting a lot of ego deaths with this as well.
Ego has been coming up a lot, and it’s a common topic to discuss when doing spiritual work, but now we’re in the thick of it, because as you get deeper into your spiritual practice, you begin to realize you’ve entered yet another egoic paradigm.
Everything is a cycle.
For example: Being “woke,” believing that you have the answers to the secrets of the Universe, feeling that you are “more spiritual” than others due to your practice, insinuating any sort of hierarchy within your practice is actually your ego hijacking your spiritual practice.
Because the truth of the matter is this—existing is a spiritual practice, whether it is recognized as such or not. And just because your path may look differently than others doesn’t equate to you being on a spiritual pedestal.
It’s very hard to spot at first, and the ego is so clever and cunning that it can sneak its way in without you ever noticing, but now, we’re being led to release this paradigm as well.
This week is going to solidify foundations for you. This is work you’ve already been implementing, but there’s something about this week that really drives it home.
What I love about these cards is we see spiritual aspects, physical aspects and an over-arching message of Truth. It’s almost like the truth is what will bridge your spiritual experience to your physical experience.
So, what is your Truth? And is that truth actually true or were you made to believe it is?
As you cement these foundations for yourself this week, really consider what fuels your heart. Where do your passions lie beyond material satisfaction and egoic pursuits?
Again, this isn’t said with judgment or shame. The ego is important and this isn’t to suggest that it’s something to throw away completely, but simply encouragement to challenge the ego instead of allowing it to become the master of our destiny.
It’s OK if you don’t have the answers to these questions. Perhaps you’re not meant to, but the cards suggest that this week will help guide you to a more aligned answer of what your Truth is.
The numerology of this reading is 7, which is fitting (per yoosh), as 7 is the number of the Spirit, and points to those who are “introspective and able to access their inner wisdom to a greater extent than those who are fixated on material concerns.”
Today’s Return to Self episode features the wonderful Liz Hernandez, a media personality and creator of Wordaful.
Listen to our conversation “Reconciling with Grief” to hear about Liz’s spiritual journey and how her faith was tested during her mother’s battle with Alzheimer’s.
As always, take care of yourself.
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To buy Bruna’s book, Let That Shit Go: A Journey to Forgiveness, Healing & Understanding Love click here.