Happy Monday, my fellow mystical friends.
I hope this weekend provided you with ample rest, rejuvenation and nourishment for your mind, body and soul.
Can you believe March is almost over? It feels like just yesterday we were welcoming the changing seasons, and now here we are quickly tip-toeing into April (and a new moon on Friday).
I love that we got two physical cards for this week’s reading, because there’s a collective energy that I’ve picked up on (and also resonate with) of just being ready to really experience the fruits of our labor.
We’ve all gone through so much—in the last few days, weeks, months and years—and have consistently shown up and done our best as much as possible. Now, it’s time to see and experience the rewards that we’ve worked so hard for.
If you’ve felt as though you’ve lost your footing a little bit recently, or those doubts as to whether or not you’re on the right path have resurfaced, rest assured that this is collective energy coming up to the surface.
That’s not to say it has nothing to do with you personally (only you know for sure), but it is to say that there’s a widespread shift taking place. You’re not alone.
The cards suggest that this week will bring you an unexpected surprise. Something that you’ve either been working towards or a pleasant opportunity that you never saw coming will reveal itself to you.
This is something that will open doors for you and help you further your interests and passions. There is a lot of energy revolving abundance here, and remember that abundance comes in many forms, not just financially (although we’ll gladly receive that as well).
However this seed of prosperity presents itself to you, know that it’s pushing you forward in the direction you want to go. The Universe knows your true desires and has heard your wishes. Also know it sees everything, so it knows whether or not you’ve been authentic and genuine or if you’ve only been putting on a show in order to be seen in a certain light to get what you want.
I say that to reaffirm those of you who may have felt slighted. Perhaps you’re always the one going above and beyond, doing the right thing, opening doors for others, helping further people along, and have found yourself wondering, “When is it gonna be my turn?”
Regardless of how you might read into that dynamic, it’s a very normal feeling to have. Just make sure that you’re operating from a sense of sincerity and not because you think that’s who you *should* be or who you *need* to be in order to get what you want. That’s manipulation.
With this energy, you’re being reminded to find the balance between giving and receiving. Operate as though you’re already coming from a place of abundance, and again, that’s not strictly limited to money.
Maybe you’re not in a place to be charitable with your finances, that’s OK. You can still offer your time, insight, guidance, a compassionate heart, a thoughtful text, a listening ear…
Your presence is more valuable than the amount in your account.
I’m getting the sense that many of you have also been noticing your intuition strengthening. You’re seeing more synchronicities and “coincidences” (you know I don’t believe in such things). You’re seeing the signs, the patterns, the number sequences, the moments that make you pause and wonder if you’re on The Truman Show.
This is all just confirmation from the Universe letting you know that it hears you and it’s working with you. It’s actually incredibly liberating and fun when you get used to it (I know it can be a little scary at first lol).
Continue to lean into that intuition. Use it with whatever opportunities present themselves to you this week. Trust that you’ve cultivated strong enough discernment to know what’s aligned with you and what is no longer your vibe. Trust that you’re able to navigate those situations seamlessly and thoughtfully. Trust that you never have to settle for less than what you actually want so that you continue to keep space open for what you do want.
Trust that you always have your own back in any given situation. You’re not going to let yourself down.
Follow your passions. Aim high. Remember that the only limitations and confinement that you have to face are the ones you place on yourself. The Universe will provide you with ample choices. All you gotta do is decide.
Once again, the number of this reading is 7. As you may already know, the energy of 7 is taking a more intellectual approach to life than an emotional one. It is an analytical number that enjoys gathering and filtering through information to find answers. Still, it has a more powerful intuition than you might expect which it uses as a guide.
What I love about 7 is it breaks through illusion. It’s the perfect balance between logic, emotion and intuition. While it may tend to revert to the mind, it doesn’t base it’s final instinct there.
Allow 7 to guide you and teach you how to find that balance between practicality and spirituality. When you’re able to tap into both simultaneously, you become unstoppable.
Today’s Return to Self podcast episode features my friend and Camel Assembly sister Yeldā Ali.
Yeldā has made it her mission to build safety and community. As an Afghan refugee, the DJ and activist has spent her life finding the balance between two worlds and utilizing her story to empower others. As always, the episode ends with a collective card reading.
Take each moment as it comes, and make sure to always take care of yourself.
To book a remote reading before they close for good, click here.
For a 1:1 live reading on Zoom, click here.
For Reiki services, click here.
To schedule a Seeker Call, click here.
To buy Bruna’s book, Let That Shit Go: A Journey to Forgiveness, Healing & Understanding Love click here.