No surprise to see Venus energy with these cards, especially with this Libra full moon.
We’re tired. Aren’t we tired? I feel it. I commend you for all of the work you’ve been doing day in and day out. I know I say this often, but again…this shit ain’t easy. So give yourself some recognition for showing up to your best ability every day.
With that said, the cards are telling us to really make joy and pleasure a priority this week. Don’t get sucked into the work, work, work. Sometimes sweet moments are where the truths reside. Nourish your spirit and your body this week as a form of self-care, love and gratitude for everything it’s done for you.
Remember that life is a moving prayer. Everything is in flow, so view your life as such. Picture it as one big manifesting prayer, and talk to your guides, spirit, Source, whatever you feel comfortable naming it. I’ve mentioned that one of the unfortunate things we’ve been conditioned to believe is that talking to yourself is “crazy.”
Well, I’m one of the craziest people you’ll meet, because I talk to myself all day. Although, I’m not really talking to myself. I’m talking to my team, and throughout the day we discuss what we’re experiencing and what we want to add to the prayer. We also show gratitude throughout the day, as well, because that’s an extremely important component that often gets dismissed.
During the Libra Full Moon reading last night (available to watch on @divinelightcouncil’s IGTV), we talked a lot about breaking up with the mind and dropping into our heart space. Even wanting to know why something happened or turned out the way it did is a distraction from feeling the emotions that were brought up with what happened. We all do this so often that we don’t realize how much trapped energy is being stored, because we’re focusing on the logic of it rather than the feeling.
I challenge you this week to do some reframing. Every time you catch yourself asking, “Why is this happening?”, switch it to, “What am I feeling right now?” And then don’t try to analyze, just accept the feelings and let it out. Continue this conversation as you move through the week. See something that you want to manifest. Say out loud, “That for me or better, thank you!” Feeling blessed? Show some gratitude. Need some help? Ask for it. Assume that you have a designated Earth guide that is with you 24/7, ready to help in any way possible, and create that conversation.
And should you come to a point where you need some 3D assistance, don’t be afraid to call in your friends (ha). But in all seriousness, this is a lot for many of us, and we don’t have to go through it alone. Ask for help when you need it. Enforce boundaries when you need to take a break. Really listen to your body this week, and tell your brain to take a mini vacay.
What is your heart needing from you?
You know what’s a great way to wind down?
Listening to this week’s Return to Self podcast episode with Grammy winner Melanie Fiona. Yeah, that was a shameless plug, and I’ll do it again!