Happy Monday, loved ones.
As always, I hope this weekend provided you with ample rest, balance and nourishment, especially after this Aries New Moon.
While the new moon may not have been turbulent for some, there’s still a lot of energy shifts that are occurring that can take a toll on you (energetically or otherwise).
Regardless, we’re moving into a new week with new possibilities and new opportunities for you to show up as the embodied version of yourself.
The cards are telling me that this week is going to you show you in various ways just how far you’ve come. For those who resonate with this reading, this is really going to reveal itself with some sort of epiphany or revelation when it comes to your mindset.
The Deception & Envy card can definitely point to those betrayals continuing to live in your mind, if that was an experience you had with someone, but more than that, I’m feeling like this is you realizing just how much your mind deceives you.
Perhaps you often jump to conclusions or paint scenarios that you convince yourself are true, even though you know that you don’t have the facts to truly know if that’s the case.
Catching yourself in these cycles is going to free you from a lot of heaviness and stress that was actually self-inflicted. Ask yourself why this is your automatic setting. Why is it easier to believe and accept that bad things are happening to you instead of simply leaving it open to seeing what’s actually true?
There’s a sense that this feeds a narrative. What is your identity? What role have you accepted over time that your ego now works really hard to prove?
With the Authority card, the ego is front and center. But this card points more toward a healthy ego (the Emperor). You may be in a place right now of really understanding the balance between being assertive and being aggressive, having agency versus being controlling, embodying power over seeking power.
Unhealthy ego comes from a place of fear. Find out what those fears are and begin to slowly unpack this. There’s a lot of healing that can take place.
Emotionally, this process is going to open you up to more love, because you’re removing the energetic blocks that were getting in the way. I love the artwork on Love Begins, because it shows being poured into, and there’s an endless supply.
In what ways can you pour into yourself this week that will help you feel more loved, seen and protected? Nurturing those fears, the way you would with a child, is going to establish more trust and safety within yourself.
The beautiful thing is both mental cards came out together. This tells me that while you may be used to certain unhealthy patterns in the past, you are able to move past it. This is not a life sentence. It’s not always easy to pattern break, so show yourself grace and compassion, but also stay on course. You’re moving in a great direction.
The numerology of this reading is a 4, which we love to see! I know I say that all the time, but 4 is all about foundations, and it’s clear that you’ve been working hard at rebuilding a solid foundation.
Additionally, “the 4 in numerology is a no-nonsense number with a heads-down approach to life and work. It is extremely dependable and lends a great amount of stability to a person or situation.”
Today’s Return to Self podcast episode features WalkGoodLA co-creator Etienne Maurice. It took, not one, but two near-death experiences for Etienne to realize he needed to make some serious changes in his life.
Through his own healing journey, he co-created WalkGoodLA to help bring wellness to the community. This episode ends with a collective card reading.
Have a beautiful week, go easy on yourself, and take care of yourself.
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To schedule a Seeker Call, click here.
To buy Bruna’s book, Let That Shit Go: A Journey to Forgiveness, Healing & Understanding Love click here.