Welcome to this blessed week, family.
Those of you who’ve listened to my podcast, or have followed my journey for a while, know that I don’t consider myself religious. Yet, I couldn’t deny just how much magic was sprinkled into Holy Week last week. Something is in the air. Maybe you feel it, too?
The symbolism, synchronicities and signs were everywhere, and it was absolutely incredible. According to the cards, this last week is leading you to deeper and greater lands within you this week.
The cards suggest that this week will take you on a journey deeper than you’ve gone before. Perhaps you’ll find yourself in very synchronistic situations, or remembering things you completely forgot about. Regardless, you’re being taken on a deeper dive within yourself. You’re being asked to find your voice, your frequency, your Self. Should any opportunities or situations arise this week that ask for you to show up in a way you haven’t before, I encourage you to muster up the courage to do it. You’ll know. You’ll feel it in your bones.
Despite how scary or unexpected these experiences might be, they’re not new to your soul. They’re new to who you are in this body. But again, we’ve talked about this before, your soul has been training for this. It knows what to do. And that is why strengthening our intuition has been of the utmost importance. When your soul tells you which way to go, you need to not only be able to hear the message, but be brave enough to follow through.
Don’t worry, you will.
Use this week to connect with loved ones. Your soul family is here for you and ready to support you in whatever way you need. It doesn’t always have to be during a time of doubt or heaviness that you connect. Embrace ease and joy together, too. Community is extremely important. Don’t overlook the bonds and partnerships that you’ve cultivated during this time. Nourish and feed them, as they do the same for you.
Continue to hold true to the highest vision you have of your life. Nothing is impossible. When fear or doubt begin to seep in, recognize that this is your mind trying to protect you from what it may deem as dangerous (which is literally anything it isn’t pre-programmed to handle). Again, your mind is like that overprotective parent that wants to keep you safe. It prioritizes survival, so anything that lands outside the scope of its experiences will trigger a fear response. Recognize when that’s necessary, and when it’s just a knee-jerk reaction to something new and uncomfortable.
You create your reality, so be bold and be brave. You have everything you need to see it come to fruition.
You already know it’s Monday so that means there’s a new podcast episode out!
Can you believe we’re halfway done with the first season of the podcast already? Time really does fly.
This week, I chat with my friend Kenyon Dixon, an R&B singer who grew up in the church, and found a way to practice spirituality beyond religion. I really loved this conversation.
If you’ve been a fan of the podcast so far, I’d greatly appreciate if you could leave 5 stars and write a review to let people know what’s up.
Thank you for your continued support, and remember to take care of yourself!