Happy Monday, dear ones.
As always, I hope this weekend provided you with the perfect balance of joy and rest.
The cosmic energies have been potent, and perhaps you’ve been feeling it. We recently had the Libra Full Moon, and this week we’re entering our first eclipse of the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse season.
This partial solar eclipse on April 30 coincides with the Taurus New Moon, our second new moon of the month. Luckily, this solar eclipse has favorable aspects, so there’s heightened opportunity for great things to happen (but more on all of that later this week).
For now, let’s discuss the reading for this week…
With so many astrological events happening this week, I’m not surprised to see two spiritual cards. I am happy to see a physical card, because it feels like some of us are still waiting for the tangible results of the guidance we’ve been given.
Intuitively, it feels like this week may have some uncomfortable moments that will test your faith. I know, we’re exhausted. But this is just setting everything up for your highest good, so consider what old paradigms are being tested at this time.
Honestly, I don’t think this will rock you. At this point, you’ve become quite accustomed to going with the flow, and have secured a stable foundation of trusting and surrendering, so just continue to hold true to that belief.
If you do feel challenged this week, just pause and wait for clarity. Observe where you may be called to make some adjustments or what decisions need to be made. This isn’t a time to play the victim. You’ve overcome a lot in this life, so take all that hard-earned knowledge and see how you can put it to use.
Regardless, there’s abundance in all forms revealing itself. In fact, you might be celebrating something this week.
I can almost see someone getting news that would normally disappoint them, and then immediately getting other news that shows them why that had to happen the way it did—and you’ll be glad it did.
The foundation, achievements and prosperity that is being harvested for you is meant to create stability, security and abundance that spans much longer than you might anticipate.
What you sow, you reap.
For those of you who resonate with this message, you’ve been planting seeds for what feels like lifetimes at this point. You’ve been doing the work. You’ve been heeding the guidance. You’ve been testing yourself, challenging yourself, stepping outside of your comfort zone.
I’ve said this before, but I need to say it again—that wasn’t for nothing.
I know, firsthand, how defeating and frustrating it can feel to not see the physical results of everything you’ve put so much energy into and for so long. I know how draining it can be to continuously try to be patient when you’re on your last thread. I know how overwhelming it can feel to try and trust that things are working out when you have bills to pay and no idea where the money’s gonna come from…
Don’t bypass these emotions. Honor them. Allow them to fuel a fire inside of you that demands more for yourself. Find the reasonable balance between waiting for what you know you deserve and allowing yourself to receive what’s yours.
Remember, so many of us have been steadily working on balancing our inner masculine and feminine energies. Depending on which side of the spectrum you feel most comfortable, the other side is the one that’s being asked to flex.
If feminine energy is more natural to you (inner wisdom, trust, surrender, play), then you may be asked to being working out your empowered masculine by taking action, strategizing, being rational, and coming up with a plan to execute.
If the opposite is true for you, then this may be a time where you’re asked to loosen your grip and release control. Only take aligned, inspired action. Ask for guidance. See where you can begin to center yourself and come back to yourself, because the answers you seek may be closer than you think.
For many of us, it’s a constant ebb and flow between the two, so make sure to constantly check in. If there’s a specific situation that is weighing heavily on you, ask yourself what energy you’re lacking, and then become the person you need to see it through.
The numerology of this reading is a 9. The number 9 represents “completion, but not finality. Think of it more in a cyclical sense; it's about the ending of one cycle and the potential it creates for another cycle to begin. The 9 in Numerology acts as an usher in this process of transition or transformation, guiding and empowering us with its wisdom.”
A new Return to Self podcast episode dropped today, and it’s our first two-part episode with guest Sattva.
Sattva is a behavior scientist, activist and spiritual seeker, and during this episode together, she shares her spiritual journey, which has led her to creating a brand that debunks new-age trends through science and self-inquiry. Sattva also touches on the self-love paradox, as well as the practicality of spirituality. This episode ends with a collective card reading.
This is important! This is the last week to purchase your early bird tickets for the Return to Self Live Show in LA. As of May 1, tickets will go up to $50. Guests will be fed with homemade Lebanese food (vegetarian options will also be available), part of the studio audience for the final episode of season two, including a collective reading, as well as gain first access to Return to Self’s signature uni-sex perfume oil in collaboration with Coyote Wild at over 30% off.
Last, but certainly not least, due to many people being unable to meet at the designated time for our Leaders of the Light meetings, I’ll be sending this as recorded videos to the community through the newsletter.
Initially, they’ll be open for all, but will ultimately be only accessible to our Return to Self members.
As always, I hope you have a beautiful week and take care of yourself.
For a 1:1 live reading on Zoom, click here.
For Reiki services, click here.
To schedule a Seeker Call, click here.
To buy Bruna’s book, Let That Shit Go: A Journey to Forgiveness, Healing & Understanding Love click here.