Welcome to May, my friends.
As we embrace this new month and Taurus season, we may find ourselves in interesting territory.
Perhaps you’ve just shed so much away from your Self and your life that the slate is completely clean? Perhaps you’ve made a decision that has put you in unfamiliar space? Perhaps you feel like you’re in a transition stage, and you’re not sure what lies ahead?
Regardless, you’re exactly where you’re meant to be.
The cards are quite inquisitive for this week. If any of those sentiments resonated with you, then you may be feeling the void. What the “void” looks like is unique to you, but pay attention to what comes to mind when we speak of that.
Is the void a dark hole that brings up fear and uncertainty? Or is the void an expansive space full of possibilities? Both can be true, because where there is nothing, there is also room for everything. It all depends on your perspective.
So, for this week, the cards are nudging you to wonder what comes to mind when you’re in this place. What is birthed by you and through you when you are surrendered in the void?
Your creativity and intuition all come from the same sacred container within you. So this week, pay attention to how you bridge the gap. Is it with a lens of fear or opportunity? Is it excitement or dread? Do you picture yourself floating or swinging for something to hold on to? Maybe it’s all of the above. Honor that.
Again, there’s a sense of duality here, and there’s no right or wrong answer. Just the honest truth for you. And whatever that truth for you may be, there are gems hidden in the crevices that will enlighten you. Keep asking yourself questions. Keep observing.
What wants to be birthed through you this week? Maybe it’s a physical project or creation. Maybe it’s a new era of consciousness. Regardless, you are the creator of your reality. Many of us get bogged down with the density of Earth and its circumstances that we forget Earth is also the planet of manifestation. You experience it every day. A thought becomes a thing.
A simple example—you’re hungry and craving sushi, so you order sushi and boom. What was once a thought is now a tangible part of your reality. What if you took that same energy and magnified it?
Being human is being creative, it’s part of your true nature.
Understand, however, that for some manifestations, especially the really big ones, they take time. So as you continue to navigate through the void, the in-between, the transition phases, the uncertainty, know that time is not running out.
Trust where you’re being led, and know that you’ll get to wherever you need to be right on time. Don’t let your impatience cause you to settle for less.
Can you believe there’s only two more episodes of the first season of our podcast?
This week, I’m joined by a familiar face—Dr. Corey Emanuel. You may remember him from our April Wellness Webinar on media psychology, or maybe you see me post about him on my IG all the time (he is my bestie, after all).
During this episode, we talk about how the power of prayer has served a huge role in his life, and the common misconception people tend to have when it comes to how our prayers are answered.
Lastly, as some of you know, I’ve partnered with Hey Hero to provide personalized videos for those of you who are in need of a mini reading or quick pick-of-the-brain on one question. For just $11, you can ask me about anything you may need some guidance on. Find out more here.
Have a beautiful week and make sure to take care of yourself!