Welcome to Monday, my friends.
I hope you had a restful weekend full of insights, stillness and new memories that you’ll fondly remember years from now.
There’s a very palpable shift, no?
I’ve had multiple conversations over the last few days with friends of mine, and everyone seems to be feeling it. Of course, it can show up differently for everybody.
For some, it’s some more purging. So fun, I know, but hey, you gotta get that shit out to create space for the good stuff. For others, it feels like the rewards are finally coming in for all of the work that’s been done.
Again, neither is better or worse than the other. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be.
Let’s get into the cards…
For those of you who tuned into the New Moon in Taurus reading last week, we spoke a lot (a lot) about creativity. It just kept coming up, and this week’s reading is no exception.
I mentioned that shortly after the new moon, Jupiter entered Pisces. Jupiter’s placement is significant at this time, because the last time it was here was roughly 10 years ago. Regardless, Jupiter is all about expansion, and depending on where it is in your birth chart, there is a lot of evolution happening on all kinds of levels.
The cards are once again honing in on birthing new creations. For some, that looks like creative projects. It looks like finally putting that pen to paper and writing that book or screenplay, it looks like finally stepping out of your comfort zone and trying that new hobby or skill that you’ve always wanted to do, it looks like breaking free of the limitations you’ve set for yourself.
It looks like finally expressing all that you are in a way that feels right for you. And in return, showing that you accept and celebrate all that you are in this life.
For others, and maybe also those who are experiencing a drive with new creative pursuits, this can be birthing new consciousness.
There is a deep reverence and knowing in the air. It’s almost like someone pressed a light switch and suddenly, the doubt, worry, fear that used to cripple us is no longer there. Of course it might pop its head in here and there, because patterns, but it no longer has the power it once did. I mean, can we take a collective deep inhale? What a relief.
The cards suggest that this week, you may be presented with opportunities and experiences that are going to help you tap into soul memories and gifts. It feels like an a-ha moment, and this moment may be the unraveling of the thread for what you’re being asked to birth next.
It’s OK if you’re reading this and thinking, “Man, I do not relate. I have no idea what this could be about.” As I always say, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t, but something tells me that even if you don’t know now, you will. That moment will come when the puzzle pieces come together, and you’ll remember reading this post. It’s going to be incredible.
Because let me tell you something, when the Universe starts doing its magic right in front of your eyes, you can’t help but to be in awe of this life.
Some of you already know that I’m on a social media hiatus (highly recommend for your sanity). I’ll be back on at some point next month, but in the meantime:
These newsletters will still be hitting your inbox every week.
I’m still doing readings (remote & live), as well as all of my other healing services, so feel free to book if you’re inclined.
For some quick guidance, I’ll still be answering Hey Hero questions.
If you’re interested in doing an in-person Reiki session (held in Burbank, CA), email info@returntoself.me.
And last, but certainly not least, Divine Light Council is heading to New York next month for two healing events!
As always, take care of yourselves, really nurture and nourish yourselves, and don’t take any moment for granted.