It’s Monday yet again.
I hope you had a week full of ease and a restful weekend. This week’s oracle reading seems to be a gentle reminder of truths you already know.
If you’ve been feeling stuck lately, the cards are lovingly reminding you that this life is yours to create, so if there are certain aspects that aren’t sitting well with you, ask yourself if there’s a solution you haven’t considered. Is there a different choice you can make?
It’s very easy to get into the habit of assuming things are the way they are, because we’ve done things the same way for however long. But as I’ve mentioned before, life on Earth is one of creation and manifestation. Take responsibility for your ability to create and manifest the f—k out of that shit. You really have to believe it and feel it. Saying it won’t mean much if the vibration you put out doesn’t co-sign the words. Yes, it may feel crazy. Yes, it may feel like you’re in denial and being ridiculous.
So what? Sounds like a small price to pay for Heaven on Earth.
What kind of life do you want to create for the future? What are you being called to create?
It’s never too late to realign you thoughts, feelings, and actions with the vibration that matches what you’re trying to manifest. All you need is an open heart and mind, and consistent daily action.
Remember that when it comes to creation, it’s not just a physical thing (although it absolutely can be). This can be recreating your patterns, ways of being, and consciousness. Basically, recreating yourself to becoming more of who you really are.
When you align with who you truly are, you not only do a service for yourself, but you serve the world. As I’ve said many times, our purpose here is to be. When we allow ourselves to just be, we give permission to those around us to do the same. And thus, the ripple effect begins and magic happens.
During these chapters, things can get extremely overwhelming and confusing. In these moments, allow the space to be there. The perceived emptiness in your life doesn’t always need to be filled. Leave the spaces open, because that’s what gives the Universe room to create miracles.
In moments of knowing, create. In moments of doubt, surrender.
Love it! The Fall into My Arms came in another reading! Love the affirmations!