Happy Monday, y’all!
I hope you had a beautiful weekend full of the joy, rest and balance that you needed.
The cosmic energies at this time are a bit much, so if you’ve been feeling unusual or heavy, know that you’re probably just feeling the effects of what’s going on astrologically.
In addition to the Virgo New Moon we just had on Saturday, and a few planets going retrograde, we’re currently in the Mercury retrograde shadow (which goes direct on 9/9). This means that, yet again, our communication, travels and thought processes may be a bit fuzzy. Take some time to pause, clarify, triple-check and become curious during this time. It’s not a time to jump to conclusions or assumptions.
Speaking of which, there seems to be a lot of guidance focusing on thought patterns for this week.
For those who this message is for, this week may provide opportunities for you to observe and reflect the narratives, assumptions and limiting beliefs that arise in the mind. This is probably something you’ve been dealing with for a long time.
The good news is that you’ve also been doing a lot of work with your solar plexus energy (ego, identity, self-will and personal power) in order to strengthen your authority, or divine masculine energy, which will help you see things from a more logical and rational point of view.
Sometimes our minds become so hyper-focused on scanning and analyzing for potential threat or danger for so long that we don’t realize it’s running on autopilot and taking up a lot of our energy.
Sometimes the hardest part of healing that aspect is letting it go.
It’s one thing to be safe and cautious. It’s another thing to subconsciously expect disaster, and therefore create evidence to support your claim. This is the self-fulfilling prophecy.
Be mindful this week. If your mind starts to race or wander, acknowledge that it’s only doing what it’s used to, and use that experience to strengthen your grounding. Come back to the present moment. Take the emotion out of it, and look at the facts.
If you’re filling in the blanks with worst case scenarios, or your fears and insecurities, chances are you’re operating from a place of survival and pulling out your tried and true defense and coping mechanisms to aid in the fact that you’re scared.
It’s OK to be afraid, but know this…you’re safe now.
Free that space up in your mind and your nervous system so that you can finally relax, and pour back into yourself. Transmute that energy into something more constructive, because here’s the truth of the matter…
You don’t know what’s going to happen. You keep trying to solve the mystery because uncertainty equates to danger for you. Control is what you know and what you cling to as a way to keep yourself safe, but the control was always an illusion.
You don’t have control over how things unfold, and I know how scary that can feel (trust me!), but at this time, you’re being asked to surrender in knowing that whatever is in the dark will always come to light—hasn’t that always been the case?—and no matter what that is, you’re more than capable and equipped to move forward in the best possible way for you.
The numerology of this reading is a 4. In numerology, 4 is affiliated with “the characteristics of being logical in the thought process. People associated with this number are practical and sensible. They are also associated with the material world and pleasures.”
I also see the number 4 as foundation. Perhaps your foundations are being cracked so that you can build a stronger one. Don’t get lost in your mind. Come back to the body, and experience what’s actually happening.
We have TWO spots open for those of you who’d like to save $150 on our Return to Self Costa Rica retreat for next year! Join us for some ziplining, a cacao and coffee tour, sunset boat ride, Reiki healing and more!
I hope you all have a fantastic week.
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To schedule a Seeker Call, click here.
To purchase Return to Self’s unisex oil fragrance, No. 144, click here.
To buy Bruna’s book, Let That Shit Go: A Journey to Forgiveness, Healing & Understanding Love click here.