Happy Monday, friends!
Per usual, I hope this past weekend brought you much needed peace, calm and rest, if that’s what you needed.
As we prepare to embark on this new week, full of new opportunities, remember to take life moment by moment and to follow the excitement. What sparks that joyful feeling in your entire being?
The cards for this week signal new beginnings for those who resonate with this reading, and with the mental card right there, I’m sensing that these new beginnings again have to do with the ways you choose to occupy your mind.
For some of you, a teacher of sorts will appear. Maybe they have already. As the saying goes, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
Take notice as to who has entered your life and can help you on this path to enlightenment. Also take notice as to whether or not you’re being active in engaging with like-minded individuals who can offer wisdom to you on this journey.
The Hope card is an incredibly positive card (equivalent to The Star card in traditional tarot) and lets you know that a wish fulfillment is taking place. Whatever you’re manifesting is coming to fruition, and part of that manifestation coming to fruition has to do with the wisdom and new mental patterns you’ve been cultivating and putting into practice.
This week is a great time to focus on all that you want to bring in, because it’s yours for the taking.
If your mind begins to trail off into the worries, fears and doubts, that’s OK. These are difficult cycles to break. Just take a moment to acknowledge the pattern, and break it.
Remember, you are not your mind. You are the master of your mind, so lead accordingly.
The numerology of this reading is 5. As with many number sequences, 5 can have multiple meanings, however with this context, it feels aligned with the message of change.
In numerology, it's recognized that the number 5, more than any other number, “pertains to change and adaptation. As the central number in 9 (it has four before it, and four coming after) it holds a pivotal position. It’s the fulcrum. The place where risks are taken, a transition occurs and it’s impossible to stand still.”
Allow the changes this week to flow through you. Know that they’re happening to help bring to you everything you desire.
Be adventurous. Be brave. And most of all, be who you really are.