As I write this, I’m surrounding by tall trees, beautiful mountains, and the reminder of nature’s simple lessons. For many of us, being in nature is a luxury at this time. Hell, even breathing some fresh air is a luxury. But if you do get a chance to remember how effortlessly reviving it is, you’ll also remember that life is a continuous cycle. Nature reminds us that regardless of what is destroyed, something will grow in its place. Death just leads to new life. And I feel like many of us are in that cycle right now.
We’ve had to face, and subsequently mourn, a lot of deaths lately, whether that be relationships, jobs, friendships and/or patterns within ourselves. And it’s been met with resistance. Of course, it’s understandable. It’s hard to let go of what you know, but understand that what you know isn’t always what’s best, and something better is waiting to take it’s place.
Have you answered your deepest calling? Once again the Warrior Woman card comes through to remind us of our power, and to remind us that while life will always continue on its course whether or not we’re on board, we always have the option to be intentional about the ride.
So where are you going? Are you in the passenger seat seeing where life takes you? Or are you driving? Neither is right or wrong. It all depends on where you are on your journey. Only you know. If you’re in a state of surrender, then enjoy the view. For once, you don’t have to worry about where to turn or what hazards may come your way. You can just rest and trust that you are being guided to your desired destination.
If you’re driving, what are you using as your compass? Are you following your own inner map or are you following somebody else’s directions? Are you on this ride for you or for someone else? Be clear on that. And then, don’t worry about where you’ll end up. The journey is where the gold is.
Regardless of the seat you’ve taken, have faith in knowing that it’s all coming together. The Great Gathering is reassurance that our intuition will never lead us astray, and even if we stumble, we have others who show up at just the right time to help guide us along our path and make sure we’re still on course. It’s not all on you.
Again, it’s not all on you. The pressure we put on ourselves is coming from the mind.
Council of Light not only reminds us that we have helpers in the subtle realms, and that everything is divinely orchestrated, but also that we can ask for help. We just don’t. Sometimes we forget we can. But you absolutely can, and you’ll always get an answer, even if it’s not a glaring neon sign.
We are building our self-trust and our faith. The next chapter of our journey requires us to be on another level, that is why we are working out our intuitive muscles and clearing the noise. That’s why we’re being asked to answer the call and step into our own. That’s why we’re getting frustrated quicker with the things that don’t align or spark joy. We can’t even fake it anymore. Good. Faking it won’t get you anywhere, anyway.
Let’s use this week to build courage and clarity. Ask for help when you need it, and pay attention to the signs you receive. You’re never alone in this, and I understand that’s not always easy to believe, but if that’s how you feel, you won’t be able to recognize the guidance divinely weaved into every moment, all around you.