Happy Monday, friends (and happy 10/10!)
I hope this weekend provided you with ample rest, clarity, community and support, especially with this Aries Full Moon.
I already know it’s bringing up a lot of deeply buried fears, beliefs and insecurities with its conjunction to Chiron (the wounded healer), so please continue to show yourself some grace and compassion if you’ve been going through it.
It’s all information, love.
Have you done the Aries Full Moon ritual?
Since we’re being influenced by the full moon energy right now, I wanted to use my Moonology deck for this week’s message.
When I tell you this romantic cycle card has been coming up repeatedly during Libra season in whatever readings I’m doing…
So, listen. This message is clear, direct and specific, so if it vibes, let it ride and if it doesn’t, let it fly.
This full moon is highlighting whatever deep, subconscious beliefs are blocking your ability to let healthy love in. For some of you, this is connected to your ego and pride. You’re not being intentionally prideful when it comes to love, but it’s seeping through anyway.
In fact, it may be so subtle and unconscious that you wouldn’t even associate that with yourself, however, there’s a message here that vulnerability doesn’t feel safe to you, and because of that, you’ve adopted certain behaviors or patterns to keep your guard up and it’s getting in the way of what you actually desire for yourself.
We can all do this, especially if we’ve experienced deep hurt, betrayal or rejection in the past. This is self-preservation and survival mechanisms, but remember that your ego isn’t prioritizing what your soul needs. It’s prioritizing what your physical Self needs to feel safe. It’s concerned with your personality Self, which may not even be true to who you actually are (but we don’t even have the time right now to get into that).
Additionally, empowered Aries energy is all about confidence, initiative and courage. If you struggle with feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt, that can show up as Aries’ shadow traits at this time, which is—you guessed it—pride, agitation and lashing out in anger.
You may think you know what’s about to happen or where the path leads moving forward when it comes to love, but the cards are reminding you that anything can happen, and you get to decide once you let your pride stop interfering and be honest about what you want.
There may be someone you’ve closed the door on or a relationship you’ve convinced yourself is over (even though you still long for it), and Spirit is telling you, “I mean, if that’s what you want, then you can still have that. Only thing stopping you is you.”
There’s also a sense that if there are any connections that have been on hold or still lingering, an opportunity of reconciliation is in the air in order for both of you to figure out how to move forward. Cycles are closing out one way or another, so just be careful of letting your emotions run on overdrive and repeating behaviors that you’re trying to heal.
Ground yourself and remember what the ultimate goal is here. And it doesn’t have to be some elaborate and huge expectation. Maybe that’s what’s fucking you up. What if the goal is simply to gain clarity? Being on the same page? Honesty? Letting your wall down and seeing what happens?
What if the biggest lesson here isn’t about the other person at all, but about how you can trust yourself enough to know that the most intimate and vulnerable parts of you deserve to be seen, heard, acknowledged and accepted—by your Self, first and foremost—so that you can experience loving those parts, too.
Maybe that dream life only feels unattainable because you’ve convinced yourself it is so that you don’t have to take the risk to fuck around and find out.
You owe it to yourself to find out.
If you have heavy Leo, Libra or mutable energy (Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces) placements, or if someone who came to mind in regards to this situation does, then this can be additional confirmation that this reading is for you.
If you made it this far into the newsletter, then here’s your treat—the Oracle Flash Sale is back for 72 hours!
The reading will cover a message you need at this time, any blocks that may be coming up, advice on moving forward and affirmations.
Take advantage now before it ends on Thursday. I’ll only be offering a limited amount of slots.
Take care of yourselves this week and always!
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Buy Bruna’s book, Let That Shit Go: A Journey to Forgiveness, Healing & Understanding Love here.