Happy Monday, y’all!
Did last week fly by for anyone else? I feel like it was just yesterday that I was typing up your weekly oracle reading and prepping you for the Aries Full Moon.
As always, I hope this weekend was full of rest, balance, self-care and whatever else you needed to have a beneficial start to the week.
As you can see, we have more messages than usual for this reading. I attempted to shuffle twice, because I usually stick to three cards, but they were like nope, we got more to say.
So, let’s get into it…
The Base Chakra (or Root Chakra) card has been coming up frequently, and paired with the Firm Foundations card, I’m getting that many of us are being rewired when it comes to our basic survival techniques. There is a shift happening when it comes to our physical well-being (shelter, money, etc.), but also childhood programming and family, which is essentially our first model of foundation.
Many of you have already been working on manifesting a more abundant life, and that has required a lot of unlearning and relearning in order to change your mindset when it comes to stability, security and survival. Especially as it relates to money.
Trust that this journey you’ve paved for yourself is going to reap rewards of all kinds.
For some, this path has required a lot of solitude, and it may still require some more. I see this mainly happening in relation to people getting in your head. Whether it be friends, family, colleagues, or whoever, they can tend to yuck on your yum and feed your doubts, because they’re projecting their own limiting beliefs on you.
You’re being asked to gently distance yourself from their beliefs. Again, they’re not doing this intentionally. More often than not, they believe they’re helping and protecting you, but you got this. Listen to your gut, and don’t let other people’s fear seep into what you know to be true.
You were given the vision. They weren’t.
With that said, you actually lead by example, so you may be more of a teacher than student for those who think they’re helping you. Continue marching to the beat of your own drum.
You’ve been through a lot, some truly trying times, and you’re being reminded that you made it out of those challenges with heightened understanding and more tools under your belt. Give yourself credit. You’re not some lost soul who doesn’t know what they’re doing. You actually know more than you think.
So with that in mind, keep reaching for the big dreams. Don’t fence yourself in. The Hope card is reminding you that whatever you desire can be yours, and you’ve already proven that you’re willing to do the work to help co-create this manifestation with the Universe.
You know what a life of survival looks like, so what happens when you don’t just want to survive, but thrive?
The numerology for this reading is 1, and we love to see it. That tells me that this is focusing on your leadership skills and your identity. So again, this is very much about you owning who you are and what you’re capable of.
Do you cower at the projections of others and claim them as truth? Or do you acknowledge what it is and allow it to pass, because you have a firm foundation of who you are and what you’re capable of?
You’re no longer the intern who’s struggling for a seat at the table. You’re the CEO who gets to decide who sits with you.
Move that way.