Monday is back again, along with some familiar cards. It looks like a lot of this week’s Oracle message is a reminder and more reassurance for us as we continue down this unknown path.
Trust the Timing card is reminding you of just that—trust the timing of your life. It’s never too late to end something and begin something new. I feel like, again, this is resonating more with those of you who are in the midst of career changes. Perhaps you’re still holding onto what you know, what’s been stable and familiar, but you’re not happy. Why are you placing the value of your happiness so low? Everything has a season, but it’s up to you to figure out when the tides are changing. Remember, death of something is symbolizing the birth of something new. Where are you on your journey? Ride the wave with confidence knowing that you’ll always land on your feet in the end.
You’re Not For Everyone is asking you to embrace your unique qualities. Listen, no matter what you do or don’t do, you’re not going to please everybody, and that’s OK. Don’t be so caught up spending your life seeking validation from everyone around you that you end up abandoning yourself in the long run. Own who you really are and let the world see who that is. By truly integrating all the different facets of yourself, you’ll begin to attract those who are authentically drawn to the real you, not the who you feel you’re supposed to be. Shed the skin, baby. Get back to you.
I Remember is a card we’ve seen before, and again it’s asking us to surrender. We’ve forgotten that the timeline of our life was chosen by us long before we physically manifested into this realm. When the going gets rough, remember that it’s temporary, it’s intentional, and there’s a purpose behind it that will be revealed when the time is right. I feel like this card is also targeting those of you who are at a crossroads in your life right now. Perhaps you’re finding yourself trying to choose between what you want versus what you’re “supposed” to want (or what others want for you). This card showing up beside You’re Not For Everyone is reminding you not to make decisions based on what someone else wants for your life. It’s your life. Choose what’s best for your soul, so that you don’t live a life full of resentment. It’s not their fault, it’s up to you to show up for yourself.
Choose you.