Welcome to Monday, sweet ones! I hope everyone got some much needed rest after such a historic weekend. As always, the cards have spoken, so let’s see what they have to say…
Many of us here have unique gifts and talents, but some of us are still doubting them or fearing to truly implement them. I feel like this fear is based on shame, judgement and failure, with a sprinkle of imposter syndrome. The cards are telling you to cut it out. Now is the time to embrace all that you are.
Earthed and You’re Not for Everyone are reminders that we are in the world, but not of it, and for that reason, there’s aspects of yourself that have been shut away and hidden. As the card states: Embrace your weirdness! Now is the time to truly embody all that you are without fear of what others may think.
I feel like the Void and Earth Pulsing cards are telling you that it’s a great time to disconnect and unplug from the outer world in order to reconnect with yourself. Spend time outside in nature if possible and do some grounding exercises. Use the solitude to really think about what it is you want to create, who you want to be, what you want to let go of, and how you want to move forward. Then allow the cosmos to cradle you into this next chapter.
Called is confirmation of your soul gifts, and I believe Your Life Is a Canvas is letting you know that these gifts are your superpower for your art. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be a “creative,” life is—in its essence—creation. You’re creative just by being alive. You’re literally putting a brush stroke to canvas with every thought, intention and action that you put into the world, so what will that picture look like? Will the painting reflect all that you fear or all that you are? Will it be the picture someone else wanted to see or the picture you want for yourself? In every moment, you get to decide.
Lastly, the Star Brothers are giving us that head-nod of assurance that they got you. You’re so divinely protected in all of your endeavors, so trust in that. Lean into that. Surrender to that, and again, let the Universe show you what’s capable. Let the magic in.
After all, miracles happen every day.
Also, just wanted to do one last plug for Wednesday’s 11/11 Angel Healing Event! Join me and the Divine Light Council healers for this ceremony, happening live on Zoom. Just hit that button for more info and to register!
Take care of yourselves! Xoxo