Happy Monday, loved ones.
As always, I hope this weekend brought you peace, rest, balance, joy and rejuvenation.
We’re going to be entering a week full of very palpable energy (you may already be feeling it) with the Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus at the end of the week.
As with most eclipses and full moons, certain behaviors, patterns, themes, ways of being or situations may arise in order for you to decide whether or not you’re ready to let go and create new energy in its place.
According to the cards for this week’s guidance, some of you will be reminded about the need to loosen the reigns within your mind.
The cards are asking you to remember how much you’ve worked at strengthening your intuition. Don’t forget all of the synchronicities and alignment that came about due to you following your gut.
During this week, there may be moments of slipping back into old patterns of the mind—whether that be overthinking, doubting, rationalizing, intellectualizing or creating scenarios to have some form of control.
For some, this is a form of self-preservation, so of course it’s a difficult cycle to break. Your mind believes that it’s doing a good thing. It’s keeping you safe and protecting you from any potential threat. Allegedly.
However, since there is no actual threat (meaning your life is not in physical danger), your body is being overworked and carrying very dense energy that is weighing it down due to the messaging it’s getting from your brain.
All that to say—everyone’s tired.
Remember, if you find your mind going into overdrive this week, pause. Take a deep breath and tell yourself, “Thank you for trying to protect me, but I’m safe now.”
Your intuition is not leading you astray. In fact, it’s leading you straight to your wish. What you’ve been manifesting and hoping for yourself is coming to fruition. Don’t let your mind convince you otherwise.
Again, the ego (which can tend to drive the mind) does not understand soul work. Ego is all about the 3D, so it doesn’t comprehend moving from a place of trust and surrender. It doesn’t understand faith. Therefore, the disconnect that can happen between the mind and your inner knowing is very normal. Especially when whatever you’re manifesting hasn’t materialized yet.
That’s because faith, surrender and trust are heart-centered work. It’s your heart that understands the world of the unseen through the guidance of your intuition. It’s all feeling. And this is not to be misconstrued with fleeting emotions. The feeling is a knowing.
The numerology of this reading is a 7, which, of course, is very fitting, because 7 is all about the mind.
In numerology, 7 is a number of philosophy and being a deep thinker. It represents not taking anything at face value, and always striving to understand the hidden truth, because it knows nothing is exactly as it seems and reality is often hidden behind illusion.
Also, a quick reminder for men who are interested in receiving some extra healing this month for #MensHealthMonth, I’ll be holding a free virtual healing experience on Zoom Wednesday evening.
This event is for men only and will not be recorded to protect the privacy of everyone who attends.
Use this week to rest the mind and, as always, take care of yourself.