Happy Monday, dear friends. I hope your Thanksgiving celebration, whether it was surrounded by family or just you and the TV, was safe and enjoyable.
A new week brings us a new message from the cards, and the second these three cards fell out, I heard one word loud and clear—creativity.
As always, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. Perhaps this message is just for one of you.
Regardless, let’s talk.
Unlike the last few weeks, this reading feels lighter. We’ve had a lot on our plates (no pun intended) recently, with a lot of heavy stuff coming to the surface. We’ve acknowledged the patterns and behaviors that needed some extra healing and hopefully did what we could to process the feelings that have called our attention.
Now, we turn toward our creativity.
Remember a few months back when a lot of the readings centered around making decisions that supported a shift in our lives, mainly with work? I’m getting that same feeling again.
A lot of you are getting that ping to switch course, to do something more creative, something that makes you feel alive and that you love—but you’re still letting doubt seep in.
Big Picture Thinking is telling me that you have grand ideas, you’re a person with vision, it’s easy for you to see the big picture. But do you believe in yourself enough to bring that big picture to life? This is where you stumble a bit.
Baby Steps is reassuring you that while the big picture may seem overwhelming, or unrealistic even, that’s OK. It’s not going to happen in one giant leap. It’s done by small baby steps, each and every day. It’s the consistency, not the urgency, that will you get you to the finish line. But in order to do that, you have to start. In order to do that, you have to silence the doubt in your mind, or the “logic” in your head, and just trust in your gut. Let your intuition lead (as always), even if it doesn’t make sense. You don’t see all of the plays being made to support you. You’re just one, albeit very important, piece of the puzzle.
Star Brothers is confirming that this outcome, should you decide to take it, will be fruitful. You’re protected and safe. All you have to do is trust—trust yourself. Trust that you won’t let yourself down again, trust that you can do it, trust that when your soul continuously calls you to something, it’s for a reason.
It’s already yours.
Before I leave you, I just wanted to do a quick announcement! Since the Angel Healing event on 11/11 was so powerful, my sisters at Divine Light Council and I are going to hold another virtual event on 12/12. Ticket prices are 50% off until end of day TODAY!
You can find all of the information here. Hope to see you there!