Happy Monday, lightworkers!
As always, I hope this weekend provided you with whatever energy that you desperately needed—whether that was rest & relaxation or community & adventure.
This week not only marks the middle of December already (how?), but we also have a Gemini Full Moon on Saturday evening, closing out our last full moon of the year.
But for now, let’s focus on this reading for the week, shall we?
This reading feels very specific, so again, please use your discernment and only take the message if it feels aligned for you.
It seems like for some of you, this week is going to present you with the chance to connect with a fated partnership. This can be a romantic partnership, or it can be platonic, work-related or otherwise. Regardless of its intention, it’s a spiritual connection nonetheless.
Now, I hate using the word “test” when it comes to the Universe, because it has this underlying notion that you can fail, and creates all this unnecessary stress, but I will say that this partnership is coming in with an agenda.
With the Base Chakra card and Temptations card also showing up here, the message I’m getting is, “Have you finally moved past your old programming?”
In other words, this alliance that will present itself to you is going to show you, in one way or another, whether or not you’ve truly let go of your survival mentality and addictions when it comes to relationships.
(Remember that addiction in this context isn’t strictly limited to substances.)
Are you still overthinking everything? Are you still self-sabotaging? Are you still pushing good people away? Are you still assuming the worst?
On the other side of the spectrum, it can also be providing you an opportunity to flex the muscles you’ve been working so hard to strengthen.
Are you enforcing your boundaries? Are you releasing control? Are you saying no or are you still people-pleasing in hopes of being chosen?
The unfolding of this portal will be unique to your particular set of challenges, patterns and old ways of being. As we’ve talked about many times before, it’s easy to intellectualize the work, but can you put it into practice?
Embodying what you’ve learned is the ultimate gift.
Again, this isn’t about shaming or judging yourself if you fall back into old ways of being. Changing the programming is difficult. If you do find yourself moving backwards, just acknowledge it and use it to your benefit.
After all, healing is not linear. It’s more of a cha-cha.
This can look like allowing your awareness to give you more clues into how these patterns show up.
“OK, so when this happened, I felt this…My response was this…I did this, when I really wanted to do this…”
Become curious, and if nothing else, use this experience as guidance on what still needs to be released with this upcoming full moon.
The numerology of this reading is 1, which doubles down on the redefinition of Self.
According to numerology, “the number 1 is the root of opportunity in our lives. It is a symbol of confidence, power, and action. It pushes us to look at our current circumstances and realize that we have the power to turn them into anything we wish. Even if we are afraid, the 1 inspires us to take control of our future and embrace new beginnings.”
If you don’t like who you’ve been, you’re always given an opportunity to be who you truly are.
One of the reasons relationships (of all kinds) are so powerful is that they can serve as a necessary mirror. You’ve probably heard that before, but have you truly digested the meaning behind it?
Romantic relationships, especially, are considered high-stake relationships, because they tap into our primal need for love and connection. With that type of access, it’s through romantic relationships that we often meet the parts of ourselves we don’t care for too much.
You know the parts I’m talking about—the clingy, needy, distrusting, fearful, selfish, manipulative, insecure parts (to name a few).
In other words, relationships are often where we exude our shadow Self.
In relationships, our shadow says, “What I cannot face in myself, I’m going to dump on you in one way or another.”
We all have a shadow, and it’s crucial to our well-being and the well-being of those we love that we do the work to become conscious of our shadow, so that it doesn’t continue to run our lives unconsciously.
That’s why I’m so excited to share my 8-Week Shadow Work Group Coaching Program with you guys, so that we can dive deeper into the parts of ourselves that are crying out for some healing and acknowledgement.
I hope to see you in our shadow work program top of January! Remember, deadline to apply is December 31.
As always, take care of yourself.