Hey you. When was the last time you took time to yourself? Like really shut everything and everyone else out for a hot second to reconnect with yourself?
This week’s reading is encouraging you to do just that, because it looks like a lot of us are carrying pain, guilt, blame, shame, grief, resentment and more heavy emotions that are actually self-inflicted.
Empathic Starseed reminds us of our empathic nature. Oftentimes, those of us who identify as empaths can easily and quickly melt into codependent behavior and absorb other people’s emotions and energy. It’s not a badge of honor. What you may perceive as you being “selfless and loving” is actually you self-neglecting and abandoning yourself for the sake of pleasing others. I said what I said. I know it may not be pretty to hear, but you’re not here to listen to me tell you convenient lies that keep you comfortable. You’re here because you want to do better.
Really check in with yourself and take inventory. What are you feeling? How much of what you’re feeling is actually yours and how much of that is what you’re taking on from someone or something else? With everything going on in our world today, it’s incredibly easy to take on other people’s energies, so please be cognizant of this and do daily check-ins and self-regulations. And when it comes to your relationships, enforce boundaries. Enforce boundaries.
For Whale and Orca Elders, the cards are asking us to take this deep dive so we can hear ourselves again. We’ve been too consumed with outside noise. As the 12/21 winter solstice creeps up, along with the Age of Aquarius, it’s crucial that we tap in. We need to awaken our gifts, awaken our Third Eye, awaken our energy centers and intuition, but we can’t hear what our body and spirit is saying if we’re constantly bombarded by the noise of outside voices. Whether it’s people in your life, people from your past that are on repeat in your head, family, culture, the news, social media, work, culture—you name it—now is the time to put everyone and everything on mute. How do you know what you have to say if you can’t even hear yourself?
The I’m Sorry card is bringing up the grief I mentioned earlier. A lot of us are carrying the burdens of unsaid conversations. The weight is getting heavy. For some of you, it’s a necessary, yet difficult, conversation with a loved one. But for most of us, it’s having to forgive ourselves. A lot of us are ridiculing, criticizing and shaming ourselves in our own heads. How can we ever attempt to truly practice and embody forgiveness when we can’t even forgive ourselves?
I would recommend writing a letter. Whether this letter is to you or someone else, I encourage you to put every feeling and emotion on that piece of paper. Maybe you need to write multiple letters to different people. Even better. Whoever or whatever needs to get addressed, do it in these letters. Don’t hold back. And when you’re done, safely burn the letter and let that dense, heavy energy release with the flames of whatever was left on that paper. Alchemize and transmute the pain you’ve been carrying.
We’re about to enter a crossover for humanity. The old, ugly baggage can’t come with us. Let it go. Let it all go, so you can create space for what’s to come.
👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Come thruuuuuuuu bru bru comeee thruuuuuu