Happy Monday, loved ones!
As always, I hope this weekend provided you with the tender love and care that your mind, body and soul needed.
We experienced a gentle Gemini Full Moon over the weekend, however I know that the energy leading up to it was a bit exhaustive and emotional for some of us, so continue to honor your needs, whether that looks like curling in a ball and crying or asking for support when you need it.
Also, just as a reminder, if you’re interested in doing a release ritual for the full moon, you still have time to do the Gemini Full Moon ritual I sent out on Wednesday.
As for this week’s reading—you may notice a pattern here.
This reading is very similar to last week’s reading, with both the Partnerships and Alliances card and the Temptations card showing up again.
What this tells me is that the guidance of last week’s reading is rolling over to this week, with some added confirmation that everything is unfolding as it should.
In case you forgot last week’s reading, here’s a quick recap…
The message that came through was that a fated partnership of some sort was going to present itself to you, and while the full intention of that partnership is unknown, there is a definite feeling of divine alignment here, especially when it comes to healing your patterns and addictions.
Last week, those cards were revealed with the Root Chakra card, suggesting that this alliance or partnership is meant to challenge your survival mentality and the (sometimes unconscious) blocks that you’ve adopted in order to keep yourself safe, in an attempt to truly see if you’re ready to let go of the behaviors and patterns that aren’t serving your highest good.
A lot of times when we hear of things like this, we brace ourselves for another troubling experience, and that may be true for some. Again, as I said last week, this will be unique to your experience and whatever lessons are designed for you.
However, I feel more of a gentle, nurturing touch with this.
This doesn’t feel like another devastating hurdle to get over. This feels like someone who is showing you something you haven’t experienced yet, so that you know it exists. Someone who isn’t poking at your wounds and pouring salt into them to make sure you feel it and tend to it, but someone who is sitting beside you with the tools to make sure it doesn’t bleed again.
The Destiny card here tells me that everything is unfolding as it should, and that whatever this situation looks like for you, if this message resonates with you, it is being divinely guided. This is part of your path, so trust in that and surrender to it.
We talk about uncertainty a lot, and how the unknown can be a really scary thing, especially if safety, security and stability are important to you (Root Chakra). And you might think…well, who doesn’t find that important?
The difference there is the mental approach.
When the path ahead is uncertain, do you approach it with fear, because there’s a loss of control? Or do you approach it with intrigue and curiosity, because you trust that it’s all leading you exactly where you’re meant to be?
Part of the Universe’s magic is its mystery, but I know firsthand that mystery can trigger anxiety when you’ve experienced a lot of trauma and lack of protection.
The Universe is showing you now that you don’t have to keep your guard up, that the lessons have been learned, the karmic cycles are done, and although it may take some time, soon you’ll see that you don’t have to be in defense mode all the time.
As always, be patient with yourself. It’s absolutely normal and understandable that your body would react to certain things the way it always has, but you are now equipped with the tools to help your mind and your body remember that it is no longer in a threatening or dangerous situation.
You’re letting that fearful child within you know that you won’t compromise its safety again. You know better now, and for that reason, you’ll do better without using the same unhealthy coping mechanisms as before, which just shut the world out.
The numerology of this reading, yet again, is a 1, because of course it is.
So, just like last week, “the number 1 is the root of opportunity in our lives. It is a symbol of confidence, power, and action. It pushes us to look at our current circumstances and realize that we have the power to turn them into anything we wish. Even if we are afraid, the 1 inspires us to take control of our future and embrace new beginnings.”
In other news, some of you may know that Instagram has flagged my account and I’ve been shadow-banned. I’m doing my best to fix the situation, but this involves not being active on my account (which is a bummer).
I’m not gonna lie—I was low-key hurt seeing how barely any of you were seeing my content.
So, these newsletters are going to be the main source of sharing information until that’s handled. With that said, I just want to remind you (and I will keep reminding you) about my 8-Week Shadow Work Group Coaching Program.
Hit that link for all the details and don’t forget that the deadline for applications is December 31.
I’m so happy to already see so many feminines have applied, but fellas, where you at?
I can understand the reservations with this on numerous levels, especially with men, because this type of work can be foreign in masculine spaces, but I feel a need to do some gentle accountability here.
Many of you asked me to create space for you. A space where you felt safe to be vulnerable and emotionally supported. A space where you can begin healing all of the deeply embedded programming and conditioning that you’re not happy with.
Many of you expressed that it’s a lack of these spaces that make it difficult for you to heal.
Well, I heard you, and I created that space. I showed up. Where are you?
I hope you give yourself permission to seek help when it’s available to you, and I’m not just talking about my programs. I don’t care who it is that holds healthy space for you. All I care about is that when it is given to you, you accept it, because you deserve peace and freedom from the cage in your mind. I hope you see that, I hope you truly believe that, and I hope you give yourself that gift.
Take care of yourselves, xo.