Happy Monday, loved ones.
I feel like I haven’t spoken to you in ages. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday (in whatever way “wonderful” looks like to you), and also found some time to rest and rejuvenate.
This time of year can always be a little overwhelming for some of us.
In addition to the holidays and end-of-year mood, we had the Full Moon in Gemini and Winter Solstice, which brought on some impromptu cycle closures for some of us, so if you’re feeling a little wiped out, know that you’re not alone.
Give yourself permission to rest and slow down, at least for this week.
As you can probably imagine, this week is already going to bring us some interesting energy. Not only will we be transitioning to the New Year (let’s go 2022!), but we kick-off the first week of January with the New Moon in Capricorn on January 2.
All of that to say, the cards are reminding you to use this time to your leisure.
Shut down your computers. Save the emails for later. No one is checking their inbox right now anyway.
It’s also very understandable that many of us feel especially reflective as we countdown the last days of the year.
What lessons did 2021 bring me? What transformations? What pain? What joy?
The cards explain that for those of us who resonate with this reading, we may find ourselves in hermit mode this week, choosing to tuck away for a bit and just spend some quality time alone.
For others, you may be eager to continue with the distractions to avoid solitude, and the cards are gently nudging you to reconsider. If that is the case, what are you still running away from?
Spirit is asking us to slow down so we can be still, because the healing that is necessary at this time comes from within.
For some, this solitude comes bearing gifts of a new chapter. As I mentioned, many cycles have been coming to a close, and so you might find yourself needing to recoup, while also holding deep reverence for the shedding that has occurred.
Many who resonate with this reading have let go of mental patterns, old ways of thinking and being that have kept them stuck in a continuous loop. You’re now moving on from this, and for some, this may manifest as physical travel, as well.
During this time of reflection, consider where you want to go next. What does your material realm look like moving forward? What tiny commitments or action can you take now to begin plotting and planning this future of yours?
As always, Spirit reminds us that patience is key. I think we’ve done our fair share of learning in that department.
But just as further confirmation, we’re being reassured that our wishes have not been met with deaf ears. Everything we’ve been working towards has been heard and is in motion, so if it hasn’t come to fruition, it’s just a matter of timing. This doesn’t mean to just put your life on pause and wait. Quite the contrary. One of the greatest things you can do (and a way to make manifestations happen quicker) is to show the Universe that you’re happy and fulfilled even without this thing that you’re wishing for.
So, by all means, enjoy your life. Follow the pings. Pave a path of joy, and watch yourself meet your desires at the end of the road.
The foundations of your future have been carefully torn down and rebuilt again, this time much stronger. You needed to break down, or maybe break open, to start over. And this time, what you build on top will no longer be fleeting, because you’ve taken the time and effort to tend to the cracks underneath.
Rest, and rest assured, that everything you desire, deserve and are owed is finding its way to you now.
The numerology of this reading is an 8, which “resonates with authority, self-confidence, inner-strength, inner wisdom, social status, ego and at the same time has love for humanity and a desire for peace. Eights are extremely professional and are very successful, especially in business.”
I’ve always associated 8 with abundance of all kinds, so again, we have confirmation that the rewards are on their way.
With this knowledge, hold the time with this version of yourself close to heart. Slow down and enjoy this solitude with them.
For some of us, things are going to rapidly change, and you’ll miss these moments with your Self.
Before I go, I wanted to remind you that this Friday, December 31 is the last day to apply for my 8-Week Shadow Work Group Coaching Program!
If you’ve been going back and forth on whether to pull the trigger on applying, this is your sign to go for it. Don’t let your shadow hold you back.
Those who are accepted into the program will receive an email on January 3 with instructions on next steps.
Watch out for your New Moon ritual hitting your inbox on Wednesday!
And as always, take care of yourselves.