We’re entering the final days of 2020! It’s so funny, because a lot of people I talk to have this feeling that once 2021 hits, all of 2020’s problems will go away, and even though we may know that’s not the case, it’s still nice to think about it. Hey, who knows? Maybe the power of massive manifestation can do the trick.
Either way, we’re about to set foot on a new year, and what I believe is a new chapter for many of us. And for that reason, the cards want you to remember all of the work and divine intelligence you’ve garnered over this last year.
All in all, 2020 was a shit show, yet it also was the perfect environment to truly push us out of our comfort zone and embrace aspects of ourselves and our lives that needed to be addressed. We talked about this week after week. As we enter this new age, don’t forget that. Don’t forget that you are a cosmic creation with divine guidance embedded within you. Don’t forget that you have 24/7 access to one of the greatest superpowers known to humans—your intuition. Don’t forget that although there may be some things set in place for you, you always get to decide if that’s the path you want to go down. Your destiny and your fate are always going to surrender to your free will.
Don’t forget that you are in this world, but not of it. Yet don’t let this distinction create a barrier between you and this world, because again, you chose to be here. There is a soul mission at play, so even when Earthly things begin to annoy the shit out of you, just try to remember that there is a bigger picture at play (perspective!). This is not to dismiss some of the very real, and taxing experience we may have, but just some reassurance that even when things seem to be coming at your neck, there’s something greater to come of it.
It’s very easy for us, myself included, to get back on auto-pilot. Many people keep saying they can’t wait for things to go back to normal. What is normal? Was normal even good for us? Maybe what we deemed as normal was just what we were used to, and that comfort disguised our need for something better. Maybe something better is now at our reach, so maybe, we don’t want things to go back to normal. We want things better than they were before, and in order to do that, we each have to fulfill our individual duties to make that happen.
And that’s where everything this year brought up for you comes to play. All the work, all the tears, all the frustration, all the shadow work, everything you faced and sacrificed to be better for yourself, is ultimately helping creating a better environment for all of us. So for that, I thank you.
Take it easy this week. Try not to pressure yourself with New Year’s Resolutions or wanting to have everything figured out before the clock strikes midnight. If we’ve learned anything about the concept of time this year, it’s that it’s just that—a concept. Just take it day by day. Divine timing is always on your side.
Happy new year in advance, and make sure to watch Soul on Disney+ if you haven’t already. It can help put all of what we’ve been talking about into incredibly beautiful perspective.