Your Weekly Oracle Reading + Astro Transits (04.03.2023)
The past is gone, so why are you keeping it alive?
Happy Monday, friends.
Thank you for your patience with today’s newsletter. I needed yesterday to myself, as there’s been a lot of shifting energies this weekend.
Did you feel it, too?
Given the astro transits of this week, it’s no surprise, but just know that if you’ve been feeling particularly out of whack these last few days, or at the very least, reminiscing on things you thought you were over, it’s not by accident.
You’re right on time.
The astro forecast of this week—
Mercury moved into Taurus today, so you might find your mental energy slowing down over the next few weeks. Take your time with your ideas and allow flow with how they’re executed as you may find yourself hitting some blocks or delays along the way.
Mercury in Taurus is also squaring Pluto in Aquarius today, so be careful of any unnecessary conflicts with communication. Try to focus on listening instead of having to be heard.
On Thursday, April 6, we have full moon in Libra. This full moon is focusing on relationship—themes, patterns, beliefs, habits and actual relationships in your life.
You may find yourself reliving old relational dynamics in order to release blocks that are coming up with love. You might be choosing to let a relationship go or fully commit at this time.
And this is the perfect transition to this week’s reading.
This week’s reading—
Again, we have all reversal cards. For whoever this message is for, you might feel like the Universe is hanging you by your ankles and shaking out whatever needs to fall away.
Although there are a lot of themes surrounding finances with this week’s reading (which may very well be the focal point for you), it feels much deeper.
If this reading is for you, you’ve been facing your wounded inner feminine and wounded inner masculine head-on lately, and this week is only going to continue to put those energies smack in your face until you can release whatever is gripping them to you.
Chances are these identities have gotten in the way of your relationships in the past, and they may continue to do so now.
The wounded and distorted feminine energy for those of you who resonate with this reading is a mental energy here with the Queen of Swords in reverse. She’s cold and bitchy and manipulative and spiteful and unforgiving.
She may be deceitful and pessimistic, even cruel when pushed to the edge.
The wounded and distorted masculine energy is materially greedy with the King of Pentacles in reverse. He’s possessive, financially unstable, wasteful and shows little to no respect for the value in front of him, while at the same time, wanting to keep everything to himself.
Again, we’re talking energy, so this can be true for you regardless of whether you identify as masculine or feminine.
These wounds are stemming from a place of unworthiness and low-self esteem. There are limiting beliefs fueling these behaviors and identities stemming from experiences long ago, and while those specific situations and/or people are no longer a part of your life, you continue to keep them alive by these narratives.
It’s caused you to feel trapped with the Six of Swords in reverse. Again, this is mental imprisonment. It’s like you feel unable to move on from this yet you also keep running away from the problem, keeping you stuck.
Whatever scarcity mindset you’re holding on to—whether that has to do with money, relationships, people, love, your worth or all of the above (which is probably the case because it’s all connected)—must be let go.
Anything that fell through in the past fell through because it wasn’t meant for you. You need to truly accept and believe that, because you keep punishing yourself for the way things ended.
Stop allowing the past to be your present. The situations are different. The people are different. You are different, if you allow yourself to be.
While it may feel safer to ride the same ride with the predictable outcomes, do the brave thing and stop trying to be two steps ahead. Because what you’re doing is manifesting the things you don’t want to happen in an effort to know what’s happening next.
I know, more than you might believe, that in times like these when everything is uncertain and it seems like endless chaos, any bit of control can feel good. Even if that control is leading us down a road to a familiar pain.
But the other truth here is that when everything is uncertain and there’s endless chaos, there’s also opportunities for new experiences and outcomes you’ve never had before.
That will require you to let go and allow things to unfold naturally.
You owe it to yourself to see what’s at the end of that experience.
The guidance for this week is to be content with what you already have and know it doesn’t have to be perfect.
Sometimes, especially when it comes to relationships, we fall into the trap of believing we’re not worthy of a beautiful partnership until all of our ducks are in a row and we’re fully healed and perfect.
That is a trauma response.
The truth is you’re worthy of that partnership now, even in the midst of all of this chaos.
Of course, you don’t want to drag someone into your mess, but understand the difference between boundaries and blocks. Know your limits, but don’t build walls where you should be building doors.
Perfectionism is a myth. There will never be a moment when everything is perfect and you’re perfect and now ready for a relationship. Life is constant change. There will always be something, so the real test is believing you’re still worthy of experiencing love and fulfillment even when things are messy. Even when you are messy.
There’s Aquarius (Mercury) energy here, as well as Libra and Taurus energy, so these placements may be significant for you or someone else connected to this reading as additional confirmation, but they don’t have to be.
The numerology of this reading is a 6. In numerology, 6 is “the embodiment of the heart. It represents unconditional love and the ability to support, nurture, and heal. It is a powerful force of compassion and empathy and its warm light is a beacon of hope. Its role is to use its heart and soul to be of service to others., eager to interact with others along the way.”
Have a beautiful week, and take care of yourselves.
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💪🏽👏🏽 always on point bru