Happy Monday, friends.
I hope this weekend provided you with the necessary rest, release and confirmation following this Libra Full Moon.
If the moon came with unexpected shifts and changes, or maybe even some that you knew needed to happen but didn’t want to experience, allow yourself to grieve wherever it feels necessary, and never forget to trust the process.
The astro forecast of this week—
Venus enters Gemini tomorrow, making communication and mental connections a focal point of your relationships, giving you an opportunity to get closer and be more open with your thoughts and ideas and enjoy flowing conversation.
The Aries sun is also conjunct Jupiter in Aries on Tuesday, making it the perfect time to zone in on what you want to experience and explore at this time. Remain open to what this could be and how it could unfold.
The last quarter moon on Thursday in Capricorn will be your time to let go of old responsibilities that no longer serve you. Free up any old restrictions you’ve placed on yourself to create space for new energy to enter.
This week’s reading—
You may have been experiencing some delays and frustrations when it comes to movement in your life, and this feels a bit all encompassing. So perhaps you’ve been dealing with stagnancy in work, relationships, personal goals…every area, and you’re kind of like…OK, WTF?
There may have been obstacles that needed to be overcome before you could move forward.
With the 8 of Wands in reverse, your drive to go far and fast could have led you into chaos if you weren’t careful. And chances are you may have experienced a taste of that already. You’re being asked to wait and slow down for a reason.
The Fool in reverse is pointing to being unprepared for the next leg of your journey.
Maybe there’s unconscious fear that needs to be addressed, a lack of direction that needs more focus or poor judgement on a situation, but these delays weren’t just to spite you, they’re actually giving you time to get everything in order so you can move forward intentionally and with more confidence.
There’s a feeling that some of you may have been incredibly reckless recently, hoping that the Universe would make the hard decisions for you and you could just go for the ride.
Nice try.
The Universe is going to block anything that is not coming from sincere and genuine intention. They’re not going to do the heavy lifting for you.
Whatever this is that you’re working toward is a long-term investment. It’s going to require patience from you, as annoying as that might be. It’s going to require hard work, perseverance and planning, but trust that these are all required because of the success and fruits of your labor that will birthed from it.
Not right now doesn’t mean no. Sometimes it just means not right now.
My late mentor Scott Carter would always tell me, “I can see the fire in your eyes and sometimes I just wanna pull you back just a little bit.”
Some people struggle with getting started. Some people struggle with slowing down. Timing is everything, and when the Universe is putting roadblocks in your way, it’s not always about the direction you’re going in that’s the problem, but the speed you’re traveling.
We can tend to hyper-focus on the destination (or outcome) that we forget the process of becoming the person we need to be in order to sustain the thing we want once we get there.
Trust in the unfolding of your life. Know that the experiences, people, situations and lessons you encounter along the way are part of the preparation, and it may not be on your desired time table, but it’s helping you build sturdy foundations so that what you’re working towards can last.
The guidance for this week is little by little.
How fitting, right? While you might believe you’re ready for leaps and bounds, because you’ve felt like you were stuck in place for so long, take notice of the baby steps you’re making.
They’re still moving you forward, and with more intention, grace and confidence. Enjoy how this gift is being unraveled, little by little.
There’s Sagittarius (Mercury) energy here, as well as Aquarius (Uranus) and Taurus (Saturn) energy, so these placements may be significant for you or someone else connected to this reading as additional confirmation, but they don’t have to be.
The numerology of this reading is a 6. In numerology, 6 is “the embodiment of the heart. It represents unconditional love and the ability to support, nurture, and heal. It is a powerful force of compassion and empathy and its warm light is a beacon of hope. Its role is to use its heart and soul to be of service to others., eager to interact with others along the way.”
Have a beautiful week, and take care of yourselves.
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