Happy Memorial Day!
I hope you are all enjoying your three-day weekend in whatever way you need.
Thank you to everyone who purchased an oracle reading from the flash sale! Those have all been sent out, so if you don’t see it in your inbox, please check your Spam.
The astro forecast of this week—
We will finally be out of the Mercury Retrograde shadow this week, so expect things to clear up a bit. However, on Thursday, the moon in Scorpio will square Mars in Leo, so tensions might get high.
If that’s the case, get back into your body and do some physical activity so you don’t pop off on someone.
On Saturday, June 3 we have the main transit of the week—a full moon in Sagittarius. This full moon will be expansive with Jupiter’s help over whatever house Sagittarius rules in your birth chart.
Use this opportunity to seek deeper truth, wisdom and enlightenment in that area of your life, and reignite the faith you have in yourself, the world and the life you’re creating for yourself.
This week’s reading—
Prepare to see very physical changes in your life, and for the better.
With the Knight of Wands here, I see this either as someone rushing in or your own masculine energy, so please use your discernment and only take what applies.
Either way, there’s a sense of positive movement forward after a long time feeling stuck in circles. With the Five of Cups at the bottom of the deck, there’s been a lot of circumstances and experiences, within the last year (maybe even more), that created grief, disappointment and sadness.
Some of you may have even felt like giving up entirely, however there was this nagging feeling that just wouldn’t allow it.
With the Nine of Wands at the top of the deck, there was a testing of your faith during this time. You could’ve easily thrown in the towel, and it would’ve made sense, but you didn’t. You might’ve gotten close, but you didn’t.
Instead, you channeled a deep resilience and perseverance like never before. You refused to accept what you were being given. No matter how exhausted you got, you held on to the vision, because you knew it was so close.
You didn’t come this far just to come this far.
For many of you who resonate with this reading, there were a lot of money troubles. Some of this may have involved family conflict or breaking away from tradition in some way, but there was a sense of loss of safety in the world.
This may have come up tangibly, through money, but it feels like it was connected to something deeper when it came to your security in this world. For some, this was ancestral karma. A debt needed to be paid, and you paid it.
Expect your sense of safety and security in the world to strengthen. Either your courage and passion to drive forward in your true heart’s desires have awakened, or there is someone who has made this decision about you and is moving toward you.
With the Six of Wands, there is so much happiness and achievement with this direction that you’re taking. You can expect a new sense of self-confidence, success and even public recognition.
Some of you may finally get recognized for all of the work you’ve been doing. And I’m talking on a major scale.
The guidance for this week is “reflect.”
This period of stagnancy and hardship wasn’t to punish you. There were divine lessons being bestowed upon you for this next season.
Take some time this week to not only show gratitude for the shift in energy, but to truly reflect on who these experiences shaped you to be.
For some of you, there was a need for more discipline. You needed to learn how to have some self-control so that you can sustain and nourish the blessings that are on their way to you.
Others of you needed to be humbled. You may take a lot of things for granted. If you’ve experienced money blocks, allow this experience to reframe your relationship with money in a way that shows respect.
Yes, you’ve paid your dues. Yes, you are more than deserving and worthy. And, you know this shit ain’t easy, so honor that and don’t you forget what you had to go through in order to become the person who is capable of holding all this glory.
There’s Sagittarius energy here, as well as Virgo (Mercury) and Leo (Jupiter) energy, so these placements may be significant for you or someone else connected to this reading as additional confirmation, but they don’t have to be.
The numerology of this reading is a 3 (I’m including the top and bottom of the deck in this calculation). In numerology, since 3 is “a result of the combination of two numbers—one and two, it speaks about the lessons that one has to learn in order to move forward in life. This number is symbolic of a spiritual being having a human experience.”
Take what you’ve learned and embody that shit by putting it to work.
Have a beautiful week and take care of yourself!
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