Hello, my lovely magicians.
I come bearing a different newsletter than what you’re used to for this week’s cosmic event. As some of you already know, this Sunday marks the second Aquarius Full Moon during Leo season, making it a Blue Moon and quite the extraordinary opportunity.
For that reason, I’ve decided to offer you some alternative rituals that you can perform to really embody this weekend’s energy and use it to your benefit, because there’s a reason that the saying, “Once in a blue moon…” is what it is.
That time is now.
But before we get to that—some information on what these transits mean.
This specific full moon is sometimes called the Sturgeon Moon—a traditional nickname that’s based on the fact that giant sturgeon fish were plentiful (and therefore easiest to catch) at this point in the summer.
With that said, this is the time to really go big and capitalize on the manifestations you’re bringing to fruition in your life. Seize the day! Nothing is too grand or out of reach!
Additionally, Bustle states that, “It’s important to note that August’s full blue moon takes place during the final hours of Leo season 2021, acting as an emotionally-charged finale. This full moon is taking place at the 29th degree of Aquarius, which is a critical point known as the anaretic degree in astrology. Each zodiac sign is made up of 30 degrees (0–29), so any time a planet reaches a sign’s final degree, its energy will be bursting with an eager and excitable sense of anticipation for what’s ahead. With the full moon peaking at this significant degree, we’ll all be buzzing with the cumulative energy of the past month’s journey—and we’ll have a chance to find some closure on whatever themes arose for us during July’s full moon, too.”
As we know, Aquarius energy is all about intellect, individualism and innovation. So this moon is a great time to double-down on indulging on the ideas and vision you have for your life crystallizing into this realm.
How can you do that?
There are a few rituals you can perform to celebrate this Blue Moon:
Get into a meditative state, and visualize the future you want to create for yourself in detail. Afterwards, set up a solid step-by-step plan to get you there. Again, don’t focus on the nitty-gritty details and how’s. Focus on the big picture, knowing that the Universe will connect the dots the best way possible.
Create moon water with your infused intentions. You can do this by first writing down the intentions you are manifesting on a piece of paper. Then, fill a mason jar or some sort of glass jar with water. Hold the jar and state your intentions into the water, since water holds the vibration and frequency of the intentions we’re trying to manifest. Take the closed mason jar and place it outside under the full moon energy overnight (either Saturday or Sunday) with the paper of your intentions folded underneath the jar. When you fold the paper, make sure you’re folding towards you, because these are things you want to attract. The next morning, drink the moon water that is now infused with your intentions, and put the paper somewhere safe.
Take a spiritual bath. There are various ways you can do this. One way can be the traditional epsom salt and essential oil bath, with candles and perhaps a playlist that puts you at ease so that you can visualize and relax. Another way is to use your moon water to cleanse your body. Make sure it’s cold (yes, cold) as the cold temperature will help shock your auric field. Pour it down your shoulders and make sure to either air dry or pat dry, so it can soak into your body. If you prefer, you can also pour it over your head, and massage your crown clockwise (to attract).
Last, but certainly not least, you can do the previous Aquarius Full Moon release ritual, if you haven’t already, or if that feels more fitting for where your energies are at this time.
By all means, get intuitive with this. If you feel called to do something completely original, now is a great time to venture outside the box and follow your instincts.
Remember, you’re the magician. Abracadabra.