Surprise! There’s a Scorpio Full Moon ahead.
I’m sending this to you a little earlier than usual, so make sure to note the Full Moon in your calendar and bookmark this link for your ritual.
The Scorpio Full Moon is on Monday, and it’s all about letting go of whatever is weighing down your transformation. There’s no more room for anything that isn’t serving your next chapter. There will be a heightened sense of courage to brave the lands beyond your comfort zone.
This moon will also challenge your fears and the illusions that they create. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio and it’ll be going retrograde the day after the full moon, so for some of you, whatever comes up to be released might be linked to something that happened last October.
Pluto is also the planet of death and rebirth, so yes, this will be another very transformative moon. Yayyyyyy.
This moon will remind you that we need to rebirth-grow-release on repeat, and take power back from any situation where we’ve self-sabotaged, self-discouraged and self-abandoned.
Scorpio is also the ruler of the reproductive system and sex organs, so the Full Moon is a great opportunity to address any trauma regarding our reproductive system, reproductive health and genitals. It’s also the perfect time to cut chords with any sexual partners who are no longer serving you, and remove any remaining energy from previous sexual partners or sexual encounters.
As I’ve mentioned, with Full Moon rituals, we release. We do this by writing down intentions on what we’re releasing and burning the paper (safely) to transmute the energy. You can write any intentions you want, but I’ve included some below that align with the energy of the Scorpio Full Moon to get you started.
Please make sure to write your intentions in present tense. No “I will” or “I want” or “I’m going to,” as these phrases set the intention on the longing for whatever you’re releasing, instead of the actual release.
Once you’re done writing your intentions, it is very important to include the full closing clause at the end, written by one of my favorite astrologers Danielle Ayoka.
Scorpio Full Moon Intentions (written on a piece of paper that you will burn afterwards):
I fully release (bad habit) and all emotional and thought processes and patterns that support it.
I release any fear blocking my path and creating self-sabotage in my life.
I remove any blocks out of my path that are stifling my growth.
I remove any fear and stubbornness blocking my awareness of my shadow side.
I remove any remaining chords and energy from my sexual relationship with (name).
I remove any remaining energy from my sexual encounter(s) with (name). They no longer hold any power or presence in my space.
I remove any energy, emotional or energetic trauma contributing to (sexual dysfunction).
I release any perceptions and ways of processing that keeps me stagnant in my path.
I release any emotional blockages preventing me from allowing new energy into my life.
I release any blockages and trauma preventing me from releasing toxicity from my life.
Closing Clause:
I release all implants, imprints, templates, thought forms, frequencies, energetic agreements, karma, trauma, chords, vibrations and patterns that resonate with the energy associated with my intentions on every layer of my existence, and out of all my chakras, major and minor, all layers of my aura, all of my subtle bodies of energy, my higher and lower self, ego, consciousness and awareness. I declare all these things to be so and in perfect alignment with my greatest and highest good. So it is.
After the clause, burn the paper safely and feel the energy leaving your body. Some of these intentions are heavy, so please make sure to rest and drink water afterwards. Physical symptoms may arise. The process of moving energy is different for everyone.
If you’re interested in hearing what the cards have to say about the Scorpio Full Moon, join me for an oracle reading Monday night at 6 pm PST on @divinelightcouncil’s IG Live.
does all of the above still apply to this year's 4/23/24 pink full moon in scorpio? Also, can we combine the above with moon water. thank you for sharing!!!