And just like that…January is over.
I know the running joke every year is that January lasts a lifetime, but this year, I feel like it flew by. It’s kinda nuts to realize we’re already approaching February of 2022.
This week is also the Aquarius New Moon, which occurs late tonight or really early tomorrow, depending on your time zone.
This is a time where we can focus on our social life, make new friends and expand our social arena to bring in new business opportunities. And if this reading resonates with you, I encourage you to participate in the New Moon ritual.
Now, new moon aside, let’s talk about the energy and guidance for this week.
One of the first things that came up for me when I saw these cards was a feeling that some very profound revelations happened recently, and this has to do with better understanding yourself.
It’s almost like you had an a-ha moment about why you may continue to do things a certain way or more insight into an unhealthy pattern that you kept recreating and using as a coping mechanism. Maybe the acknowledgement that this pattern is actually unhealthy was the moment for you.
Regardless, this energy feels like a rollover from last week. It’s very possible that this heightened awareness will come to some of you this week, but I’m sensing this more for those who have already had this experience (or multiple experiences).
It’s like the thread has been pulled and now everything is unraveling, and not in a bad way. There’s just a lot of clarity coming through, which is beautiful.
With the Fertility card here, we’re seeing Divine Feminine energy. I’m getting a lot of interpretations for this depending on your personal situation. For some, this newfound awareness has sparked your creativity. You may have felt like a creative project or idea just dropped into your spirit. Follow through and see that it gets executed.
For others, there’s a sense that this awareness has awakened your Divine Feminine energy. The energy that reminds you of your inner knowing, trust, surrender, intuition, patience and strength. There may have been a moment (or two) where you realized that your wounded masculine energy was thwarting your feminine energy or that your fear of harm was making you call on your masculine energy as a form of protection, thereby diminishing your feminine energy.
Maybe you’re finding truth in all of the scenarios I just described. This is a powerful time of ascension for you.
There’s a sense of freedom with all of this. Like something heavy was just let go of. Even if that hasn’t actualized in your consciousness, it’s happening. In the most subtle of ways, your awareness has begun shifting a lot of things internally and spiritually.
For that reason, there’s room for prosperity now in the physical realm. Whatever was lurking in the shadows or in your blind spots for so long, needed your awareness in order to be let go. Once you were able to identify certain things, they vanished, and that created more space for you to welcome in abundance in the 3D.
This may be more of an internal process at first, but as I always say, your internal reflects your external, so don’t be surprised if all of a sudden, you’re attracting more job offers, money, and opportunities that are perfectly aligned with everything you’ve been wanting.
The numerology of this reading is a 1, which I love, because we know by now that 1 is all about the Self. In Numerology, the number 1 is “the root of opportunity in our lives. It is a symbol of confidence, power, and action. It pushes us to look at our current circumstances and realize that we have the power to turn them into anything we wish. Even if we are afraid, the 1 inspires us to take control of our future and embrace new beginnings.”
Don’t forget to also join me tonight at 5 pm PST on Instagram Live for a New Moon in Aquarius reading!
Have a beautiful week, and as always, take care of yourselves.