Happy Monday friends, and happy Scorpio Full Moon.
Some of you may be over it already, ha! I hear you. This full moon didn’t come to play, but I warned you about that last week. Don’t forget to do your Full Moon ritual tonight if you haven’t already.
OK, let’s get into these cards…
It’s no surprise that we got Surrender to the Sweetness during Taurus season. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so perhaps, in the midst of the madness, you’re finding yourself really taking an extra moment to enjoy the sweetness of life. Smelling the flowers, putting on your favorite scent, treating yourself to a really nice meal or even just pampering yourself in a way that feels more intentional than usual. Keep that energy going.
If you haven’t, maybe that’s something to consider this week. It’s no secret that the energy with this moon can bring up a lot of heavy shit (what else is new, right?), so take it upon yourself to also be extra kind to yourself. If your best friend was going through it, what would you do to cheer them up? Now do that for yourself.
Overall, this week may bring up some exciting adventures and opportunities for some of you. Perhaps this has already happened, but this week is when you make the decision on how to move forward.
The cards are nudging you to say yes. Say yes to the thing that kinda scares you but also excites you. Say yes to something new. Say yes to the unknown and uncertainty, because you never know where it’ll lead you.
One of the more challenging aspects of the spiritual journey is duality—not just your own duality, but the duality of nature, life and experiences. Perspective is key in understanding this.
This approach is emphasized through the concept of and instead of but.
For example: I feel a lot of pressure to make the right decision and I know it’s not all on me. Even incorporating that into your everyday language will help shift your focus, because if I said “but” where I said “and,” I would be programming myself to believe that my feelings of pressure are not valid. Try it. Say it out loud and hear the difference in energy. By saying and, I am reminding myself that both can be true, even if it seems otherwise.
Embrace the and.
Life is not some beautifully executed package. It’s messy and full of contradicting truths. The more you’re able to accept and acknowledge these seemingly contradicting truths within yourself and your own life, the more you’ll be able to acknowledge and accept these seemingly contradicting truths with those around you.
The Perspective card is reminding you that, yes, of course this matters. And it doesn’t. It can matter to you, and not matter when it comes to the big picture. Both are true, and both experiences are valid. And while that can seem extremely confusing and like a mind fuck, it’s also wonderfully beautiful, because it opens the scope of so many other perspectives that can also be true for you. So which one do you choose?
Remember, you’re not just a marker on the spectrum. You are the spectrum, and you have full range of embracing the totality of that experience.
This week’s podcast episode is with none other than mentor of men, Jose Alejandro.
Some of you might remember Jose from our February Wellness Webinar on Sacred Masculinity. I knew going in that this episode was going to be incredible, but I literally cannot emphasize how many bars were dropped during this conversation.
It was so eye-opening and entertaining, and I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed recording it.
As always, take care of yourselves this week, and make sure your well-being is a priority.